Your study guide for ATM lessons

by Yochanan Rywerant [BOOK]


I. Preface
II. Introduction
III. Review of various “principles” and “working concepts

  1. Habitual and non-habitual patterns
  2. Learning by sensing differences
  3. Awareness, a way of changing intentional patterns
  4. The stages of baby-development
  5. Orientation in space and the field of gravity
  6. Hierarchy of levels of control, changing of control-level
  7. Clarity of the distal and proximal parts involved in patterns of action
  8. Defense mechanisms (anti-patterns)
  9. Communicative manipulation (the manipulon)
  10. The force-surface-pressure relation, the “surface-like” style
  11. Clarifying alternative choices, versus imposing correction
  12. Goal-directedness versus attention to process, learning by “playing”
  13. Modes of control: sedate, aroused
  14. Neutral position versus extreme position
  15. The potent state, or readiness to act versus mere relaxation
  16. The efficient use of the skeleton (in gravitational field, etc.)
  17. Acceptance of proposed new patterns; the “Aha!”-Reaction
  18. The constituents of a pattern of action, sensory anticipation
  19. Corollary discharge and “relative conjugate movements”
  20. Sensory filtering in habitual patterns
  21. Cause and effect vs. stimulus and response
  22. Heuristic learning vs. model imitation
  23. Using the senses, calibrating the “gain” of the response
  24. “What stops me?” as a way to go on exploring
  25. Using existing (“ingrained”) patterns and responses
  26. Agonists and antagonists linked neurologically
  27. Muscle groups involved in more than one function
  28. Non-normative approach vs. “indoctrinated” (hidden) norms
  29. Cortical involvement in unusual contexts and settings
  30. Different levels of control addressed by different “languages”
  31. Communications as verbal (serial, digital) and as sensory (images)
  32. The concepts and functions of monitoring and choice-making
  33. Reversibility for improved control and efficiency
  34. The role of pain, “measuring” pain, progress and rate of rehabilitation
  35. Meta-messages in ATM & FI
  36. Supplying the missing constituent in a deficient pattern of action
  37. Pattern recognition as a phase of learning
  38. Primitive (old) patterns
  39. Respecting dominance
  40. The view on posture
  41. Respecting structure
  42. Shearing stress and friction, supporting at right angles to surface
  43. Testing, usually by going to extremes
  44. Repetition, its rationale
  45. Integration through change of environment, position or context
  46. Integration through the head, its rationale
  47. Keystone-manipulation

IV. Review of various themes appropriate for frontal talks (“lectures”)

  1. The origins of patters of action
  2. Communication by words and images
  3. Image of action, the map-territory relation
  4. Hierarchy in the CNS, levels of control
  5. Structure and function
  6. The skeleton
  7. The Weber-Fechner principle
  8. The neutral point
  9. On touch
  10. Perception of the world
  11. Damage of the CNS
  12. Muscles
  13. The neuron
  14. Entropy
  15. The two hemispheres
  16. Upright stance in the gravitational field
  17. Physical principles
  18. Passivity – activity
  19. Dualism in language and philosophy
  20. Recommending a bibliography

V. Considerations in ATM

  1. “Principles”
  2. Strategy
  3. Tactics
  4. Series of lessons

VI. Considerations in FI

  1. The style of FI
  2. The FI session
  3. The limits of FI

PART B: Hints of building a curriculum
VII. General Outline
VIII. A few additional specific items

  1. Didactics of ATM lessons
  2. Didactics of FI demonstrations
  3. Didactics of tutoring FI
  4. Didactics of the practicum

The book for long time out of print, so not easy to find it. Use smart search in different sources.
It’s also available in German translation by title Grundlagen der beruflichen Feldenkrais-Arbeit.