Your study guide for ATM lessons



  • Touching the fingers (or hands?) behind your back

Lesson Outline

1. Sit cross legged: one hand behind neck, slide in directions left-right and up-down
1a. Use other hand to grab elbow and help
2. Sit cross legged but with feet crossed the other foot in front than before. Same movement, but switch arms. (you know what I mean?)
3. Lie prone, left leg in crawling position, left hand standing (elbow towards ceiling), slide right hand on your back left-right and up-down
3a Help with the standing hand to reach further
3b Move your head backwards or lift of the floor to reach further
4 Sit cross legged, one hand on neck directions left-right and up-down.
4a Reach for chin, use other hand to help
4b Sit side sitting, touch towards floor with elbow
4c Slide on floor with elbow left-right (still holding your chin hehe)
5 Other side
6. Lie prone, same as 3, but reach with your back hand towards neck, along spine
6a with other hand try to reach back hand, help with knee pushing against the floot
7 Other side
8 Sit crossed leg, reach with arms to touch in back
9 Other side
10 Same as 8+9 in standing
11 Rest

Focus of Franz’ Teaching

  • Keep head up, don’t let your head hang down while reaching in your back

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Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • This was recorded in 1969 as a radio program for everyone. My guess is that back then people have been a lot more flexible than nowadays. I would have to dislocate my shoulders to come close to what this lesson is about. But then, some slender girls (the few that still exist) might find this lesson easy, and be able to concentrate on the lesson, instead of the impossible. – travelsheep Oct 21, 2014

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