Your study guide for ATM lessons




  • Lying on the stomach, legs long, using the lifting of the head to the horizon as the reference move and returning to this move periodically to assess change resulting from various movements that engage the flexor muscles.

Lesson Outline

  • On stomach, legs long and hip width, hands near head palms down, forehead on floor, lift head (reference move)
  • Forehead on floor, eyes closed, move eyes first R, then L, then down, then up, each time returning first to centre
  • Lift head while moving eyes down, then reverse (not clear if this is eyes open or shut)
  • Repeat reference move, looking for changes
  • Drag forehead along floor to look towards navel, allowing back to round (not using arms)
  • Repeat reference move
  • Bend knees so soles face ceiling; flex and extend ankles
  • Leave left knee bent, right leg long, lift left knee emphasising movement away from head, then press knee into floor; other side
  • Both knees bent, lift both knees simultaneously (lengthening); then alternating knees; then increasing pace (drumming floor)
  • Repeat reference move, looking right and left as you lift head
  • On stomach, head to one side, then the other, noticing difference
  • Head to right, draw right knee up, then drag head to right, towards hand, then initiating movement from different parts of head
  • As head moves right, allow knee to move right, so they gradually come closer together as torso flexes simultaneously
  • Repeat reference move, noticing any R/L difference in tonus of neck following asymmetrical movement
  • Other side
  • On stomach, hands standing, elbows to ceiling, lean on left hand, then bring elbow medial, then alternating, allowing head to roll
  • Gradually increase pace and then allow knees to participate, alternately sliding up and down
  • Repeat reference move

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Movement of the eyes affects cervical muscle tonus, which affects movement of the head
  • Flexion to lengthen extensors (movement of head to look towards navel)
  • Subconscious tendency to pick easier/familiar patterns (choosing side to turn head to), possibly inhibiting spontaneity
  • Movement is easier, bigger, when all of the body is available to participate (lengthening through legs)

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Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • Stomach lessons often get groans, but I think the noticeable change is usually significant for most people
  • Being on the stomach, face down much of the time, is perhaps more conducive to introspection
  • The repeated return to the reference move throughout also supports reflection

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