Your study guide for ATM lessons



  • On back, systematically “tossing” parts of the body and returning. Limbs turn in the air and return to the same place. Initially, the movements are anti-controlling. Near the end, there is an invitation to coordinate the turning of the hands and legs; the coordination becomes more complex.

Lesson Outline

    • Here is a graphical representation of the sequence. (Note that the limbs are in a more relaxed relationship than in this figure. For example, the legs are spread apart.)

  • The essential movement, each time: Toss the part in the air (“lift“, “raise“, “throw“, ) and let it fall to the floor each time. “It is not a question of lifting the hand high. Lift it just enough so it is possible to turn it comfortably“.
    • if a limb (hand, arm, leg, foot), turn in the air and return it in the exact location
  • Repeat 15-20 times. Stop, take time to sense (“listen“) to what has changed
  • Final sequence (Steps 14, a thru g) relate to turning arms and legs simultaneously.
    • backs of the hands on the floor, legs turned outward, raising them, turning in the air and dropping, and repeating– arms & legs turning symmetrically.
    • Or, in opposition: backs of the hands on the floor, legs turn inward, raising them and changing directions, so they land with palms on floor, and legs outward,

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

Some principles that are made explicit in the teaching

  • Letting the arm drop – contradicts the habitual tonus
  • Repetition: large number in this lesson is sometimes important to fatigue the habitual tonus
  • Turning the hand/foot to the same location increases the accuracy of the body map
  • Rest after repetition allows for reorganization. Listening for differences, changes increases this.
  • At the end, the possibility of coordination of limbs.

Related ATMs

Tossing body parts into the air:



Experiences of Students

  • Reduces overall tonus
  • Easy to follow and fun
  • Final movement (oppositional movements) is a brain activator, which can be stimulating
  • Those who “control” a great deal in life, find the “tossing” a challenge to let go, and also a great relief.
  • Those who have difficulty coordinating a part of the body may find this increases their ease in coordinating!


  • In section on lifting head: Caution or adapt for those with upper body injury/trauma, including neck injury, head injury, eye difficulties, brain injury

Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • Might be a good introductory lesson, or part of an introductory series – rblack Dec 4, 2017 Rob Black.
  • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!

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