Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

Position for the following movements: Prone position, right hand on the left, right leg bent at a
right angle to the side, left ear on the right hand.

    1. Lift the head finely and pleasantly with the help of the right hand. As you lift, exhale and let the chest follow the head.
      1. Raise the right knee. Follow the continuation of the movement of the leg in the trunk.
      2. Lift the foot and lower leg slowly and lightly
    2. Lift the left leg, including the knee.
      1. Go through all the movements again in your mind.
      2. Change in position: raise the left leg instead of the right to the side at a right angle
    3. Lift the head together with the right arm without swinging, thereby stretching the front of the body
    4. Lift the left knee – analogous movement as above
      1. Lift the left foot and lower leg
    5. Lift right long leg including knee
      1. Continue – and lift the head and right arm at the same time. The body should not shorten, all effort is expressed in movement.
      2. In prone position go through all the movements again in the mind.
      3. Roll to your back and feel the difference this lesson has made so far.
    6. Lie on the other side in the symmetrical position. Perform all previous movements independently – Prone position, hands at sides as for push-up, elbows raised, knees slightly bent
    7. Lift the head and legs slightly and hold them like this, the hands do not support the torso, the
      eyes look forward – gradually reduce the effort.
      In thought: make the upper and lower abdomen long so that the support point moves
      downwards and the chest can lift up
      Lift several times in this way
      a. In the lifted position: turn the head and look to the left and right heel. The arms can
      help slightly
    8. In your mind: imagine the last movement – the effort should only be in the lower back and in
      the middle along the spine
      a. Carry out the movement
      b. Again in the imagination
      c. Execute – soft and simple
      Supine position, hands folded behind head
    9. Curl up in front and stay there for 1 minute
      a. If it becomes uncomfortable, roll the body as a whole slightly to the side or back and
      forth and – rest still again


Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

      • Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching

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      • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!

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