Berkeley 1973 – 1. Breathing 6/18 AM
Source Berkeley 1973 Monday, June 18th 1973 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Related ATMs abdominal-muscles breathing scan elbow-to-knee flexion-lesson willpower swallowing-saliva lifting-head-supine lifting-head-with-one-hand-supine Resources Add […]
SF3 – Day 35 – 11 August 1977: Continuation of August 10 ATM. Variations of the soles facing position. Soft flexion movements. Hands stretche over head interlaced or palm down under lumbar spine.
Source SF Training Year 3 11 August 1977 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Theme Coordinating Flexors and Extensors Tag Hip/Pelvis Freedom Tag Rolling Tag Flexion-lesson […]
Amherst 2 – Week 9 – 08/03/81 AM1 Folding Like a Cat
Source Amherst Year 2 (1981) Duration of the recording: 68 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Theme Flexion Lesson Tag Palms-on-floor-supine Tag Hamstring Tag Sliding-hand-on-leg Tag Fast-movements Tag […]
Amherst 2 – Week 8 – 07/28/81 AM2 Sample ATM Class—Knee to Elbow
Source Amherst Year 2 (1981) Duration of the recording: 44 min. (Talk—Orientation in Space Relative to Self included) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Lecture Tag […]
New York Quest – DAY2 – AM1+2 – Lifting the head on the back: simple flexion, one side in imagination
Source New York Quest Workshop, May 29-June 3, 1981 Duration of the recording: 116 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Lecture Tag Lifting-head-supine Tag Demonstration […]
Amherst 1 – Week 5 – 07/07/80 Rolling from sitting (part 2)
Source Amherst Year 1 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Avoiding-seriousness Tag Standing-to-sitting Tag Sitting-to-standing Tag Coming-to-sit Tag Coming-to-stand Tag Imagining Tag Fast-movements Tag Supine-to-stand Tag […]
Amherst 1 – Week 1 – 06/10/80 PM2 – Flexors and rolling/Flexing the Upper Body, Elbow to the Knee (Continued)
Source Amherst Year 1 Duration of the recording: 70 min. audio only Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching “In fact, you will find that perfection is an idiotic thing. You can’t get it. You can’t get it. And it’s not necessary. But you […]
Amherst 1 – Week 1 – 06/10/80 PM1 – Rocking and rolling
Source Amherst Year 1 Duration of the recording: 35 min. audio only Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching “Relaxation is not for action. You can’t act in a relaxed way. Relaxation is for not doing anything—if you use the word relaxation […]
Amherst 1 – Week 1 – 06/10/80 AM1 – Flexing the upper body, Elbow to the knee
Source Amherst Year 1 Duration of the recording: 29 min. audio only Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Theme Flexion Lesson Tag Elbow-to-knee Tag Fast-movements Tag Breathing […]
SB3 Folding Into Sitting
Source South Bend Workshop (1980) Two parts, 5 min. rest in-between Duration of the recording: 30 and 27 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching “The distance between shoulders and knees is important to come up, not the position of the hands.” Related […]