Your study guide for ATM lessons

MG78 #05 – Rounding and arching back in sitting

Source Mia Segal-Gaby Yaron Evening Class Notes Taught by Gaby Yaron; 1978 #5 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Scan Tag Softening-chest Tag Hip/Pelvis Freedom Tag […]

AY026 Pearls and eyes

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 2/4/5 in Hebrew (AS) For German see AYnmal täglich: Perlen und Augen Synopsis Work with your eyes by imaging a thread(s) with a pearl on it starting at various places and ending at one or both eye. Follow the pearl as it moves closer and farther away from your eye. […]

AY496 The face

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 10 Reel 32, Track 3, Lesson Duration of the recording: 39 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Imagining Tag Measuring Tag […]