Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline (steps are mine and not Moshe’s)

  1. Supine, arms by side. Stand R leg. Push with foot to raise R pelvis.– Listen to what this does in the spine, chest, and lower back.
    – Eyes and head can turn a tiny bit.
  2. Other side.
  3.  Lift R leg to ceiling. Let it drop to L. As you repeat, let foot come closer to the head.– Arch lower back and soften chest.
    – Open throat and let head tilt / slide back.
  4. Other side.
  5. Alternate. Track arc of head.
  6. Prone. Make X, hands palm down. L hand for push-up.– Draw R hand toward L, over head.
    * Watch when turn palm up.
    * Push with L hand to lift L shoulder.
    * Pass arm under head, and . . .
    – Begin to roll onto R shoulder, behind.
    – Leave head behind; let it tilt / slide back to the R.
    – Let L knee bend and drag along floor upward.
  7. Other side. Make X, hands palm down. R hand for push-up.– Draw L hand toward R, on floor over head.
    * Watch when turn palm up.
    * Pass arm under head, and . . .
    – Begin to roll onto L shoulder, behind.
    – Leave head behind; let it tilt / slide back to the L.
    – Let L knee bend and drag along floor upward.
  8. Now similar thing, but no roll. Instead, keep arms in X. Arch the back strongly and lift the head and shoulder girdle as high as you can comfortably.– Draw R hand toward L, on floor over head.
    * Watch when turn palm up.
    * Pass arm under head.
    * Open R armpit as wide as you can, keep it up in the air, and . . .
    – Begin to roll onto R shoulder, behind.
    – R arm is in line w/ shoulder completely to L; L arm in line w/ shoulder completely to R.
    – Leave head behind; let it tilt / slide back to the R.
    – Let L knee bend and drag along floor upward.
  9. As prior step. Arms in X. Arch the back strongly and lift the shoulder girdle. Pay attention to the chest allowing this. Belly forward, lower back arched.– Draw L hand toward R, on floor over head.
    * Watch when turn palm up.
    * Pass arm under head.
    * Open L armpit as wide as you can, keep it up in the air, and . . .
    – Begin to roll onto L shoulder, behind.
    – Leave head behind; let it tilt / slide back to the L.
    – Let R knee bend and drag along floor upward.
  10. As two prior steps, but alternate.– Pay attention to head swinging in large arc, tilting back from side to side, behind the shoulders. Open the throat.– The shoulders turn in the air.
  11. Supine. You will roll to L, leaving your legs behind. Your knees can bend.– Lift shoulders and head.
    – L arm tucks behind, R arm follows.
    – Couple reps; then . . .
    – Roll through back and do other side; alternate.
  12. Supine. R leg stands. Bend L knee way out to the side and tuck L foot behind R heel.– Keep pelvis on ground and flip legs over. First R foot stands, then L foot.
    – Couple of reps like this. Track how hip tilts up on standing-foot side.
    – Lift pelvis in the air, depending on R foot.
    – Then change legs with a flip. This means one side of the pelvis will be high and the other low, and then reverse with changed side.
  13. Initial reference movement of leg in air and then to side. ~~~Anita Schnee, 5.27.18

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