Your study guide for ATM lessons


Educational Director: Jeff Haller
Guest Trainer: Jerry Karzen

Day 1 Jerry Sunday September 18, 2011

Discussion: Working with person standing on knees and leaning across the table.

  • Pros and Cons of this position: Each position on the table asks that one do different things. They are unusual challenges.
  • What does this position free you to do functionally?Shift in self-image; way to find hip joints in various activities (climbing, walking, side-shifting, walking backward, support without being on feet)
  • Breathing

Demo: Finding correct height for person kneeling over table.
ATM: Kneeling at table not leaning over it moving pelvis, hip joints.
FI practice: Practice with a partner. Give a short FI.
Demo: Person lying across table knees on the floor:

  • Observe in standing first
  • Where might they need support: under ankles or chest
  • Find sit bones, pelvic bones (ASIS), and sacrum to explore directions of ease
  • Observe how it moves through them.

Practice with a partner.

Day 2 Jerry Monday Sept. 19, 2011

Discussion and questions from yesterday. Have the questions be related to points of interest and learning not personal experience.

  • What did you find interesting?
  • Telling someone to embed the learning in yourself

Topics were: Noticing specifics about how weight on feet effects how feet point in lying or kneeling.
Seeing more clearly how rotation in the hip joint connects through spine to head
Ability to feel muscle tone differences around a joint and relate them to how a person might walk or stand.
Partner practice: With same partner as yesterday:

  • Watch them walk and then explore having then lie over table
  • Note by touch differences in muscles on each side and SI joints and how this relates to movement. Then have partner stand again and note any differences. Feedback

Discussion: How do you “make it last”. The process of Learning.
Nature of FI:

  • What they need
  • What they want
  • What they will use: at that time

Demo: With person on knees torso over table, sit at their head. How to go about observing how they lie to make them more comfortable having head on one side.
Practice: Choose another partner and work at their head as per morning demo. Change roles.

Day 3 Jerry Tuesday September 20, 2011

ATM: Sitting on end of table: One buttock cheek off table
ATM: Kneeling over table: Movements of Head and Shoulders
Video: Moshe FI lesson with Erin. Introduction and questions.
Video: Moshe FI with Erin continued. Lots of breaks for discussion and questions.

Day 4 Jerry Wednesday Sept. 21

Video: Moshe with Erin #1 completion
Questions and discussion: C7-T1 and relationship to turning head and keeping head in centre.
Demo: kneeling over table readying head for turning through C7-T1
Discussion: Intention. Specific and generalized attention
ATM: Sitting on Table: Coming to stand with crossed leg. AY# 147

Day 5 Jerry Thursday Sept. 22

ATM: AY# 17 Breathing
Questions and Discussion of what Jerry did in his FI yesterday after class with Nicole. Lying lengthwise on roller for finding her middle and balance
Partner practice: “adjusting” placement of head vs having person sense where their head is. Legs too. ‘Guided’FI exploration with partner supine.

  • Moving head
  • Moving legs where you think they could support lifting pelvis equally. Where are their feet? How do they sense them.
  • Have person move own head and return to mid line
  • Have person move their own legs to find equal support.
  • Fine adjustments
  • Roll head L-R and when find centre give a small pressure to ‘mark’ it. Person moves own head again and returns to centre and prac. make s any small adjustments needed for centre again if needed.
  • Person moves head to L as if to see R leg with R eye to outside of the leg and L eye to inside. Practitioner adjusts
  • ‘Pulling’ head on the diagonal they are on. Roll head and return to middle.

Change roles
Comments questions. Guided process was helpful to many. Questions about knee over foot.
Video: Moshe with Marjorie (kneeling over table) beginning.

Day 6 Jerry Friday Sept.23

Questions re: FI lesson with Sharon. Integrating lesson into function at end.
Demo: Looking at ‘pulling’ head to connect through ribcage to pelvis. Need to have a good platform for head to sit on before one can pull and make connections. There needs to be preparation, then the connections are made clear by the pull.
Moving C7-T1 from proximal place near 1st rib connection.
Placement of hand over person’s ear can give a sense of support and protection.
Talk: Recording, notes and ethics of use of materials.
ATM: Kneeling over table #3. Rolling head variations
Video: Moshe with Marjorie continued.
Video: Moshe with Marjorie, completion.
Discussion: Developmental activities and forming of joints and bones. Shifting weight. Use of hip joints. How muscle relates to bone.
End 1st week

Day 7 Jerry Monday Sept. 27

Questions and discussion. Use of FM for people with epilepsy
ATM: Sitting on table with legs crossed and sliding arms along table.
Discussion: External and internal rotation in hip joint in walking.
Partner work: Kneeling over table. Review:

  • Feeling muscles to note tone on each side
  • Finding directions of pelvis
  • Relationship of spine movement and breathing
  • Rolling head
  • Movement of 7th cervical in relation to head movement
  • ‘Pulling’ head
  • Ribcage shape and movement

Look for ability to turn head to look to each side; ability to breath nicely; ability to stand with more support. Use any of the above as functional theme for the lesson.
Demo with Bacha: working with someone with scoliosis. Using head and pelvis as levers into the spine and ribcage. (Jerry’s comment that she in particular needed strong feedback and input from her feet to ‘get’ support through legs and up)
Partner practice: change roles from AM
Video: Moshe with Erin #2 beginning.

Day 8 Jerry Tuesday Sept. 27th

Talk: Finding what to do. Observing habits of movement and giving some choices. Incorporate what you see in a new pattern of movement. (Like building a house, there is a progression).
Suggestion that students look for people with obvious impairments to work with.
Connect what is not so ‘good’ with what is. What you see and sense is important while you work with the pattern.
Erin needs to learn to walk better so what could Moshe add/do to build this with her?
Video: Moshe with Erin #2 completion
ATM: AY# 274 Introduction to Walking #1 (Alice)
Discussion: Usefulness of pain and working with it within a lesson. Fear of pain &/or inflicting it. Sensing and responding to feedback from system and not doing anything for too long.
Demo: Person standing on knees at table and exploring movement and pattern to make moving pelvis toward the table more equal on each side. Then ‘practitioner’ placing them with torso long over the table.
Partner work: Keep it simple and see what you both discover. (30 min each)

Day 9 Jerry Wednesday Sept. 28th

Questions re: Jerry’s FI with Travis. Equalizing tone.
Demonstration: Artificial Floor Lesson. Using the board .
Partner practice
Questions and discussion from practice. What is ‘tracking’ (Person’s foot following the board directions)
Practice: Change roles
Questions: What would they like clarified.
ATM: Kneeling over table #4. Leg onto table. Head sliding, Head and knee toward gap.
Video: Moshe with Erin #3 beginning

Day 10 Jerry Thursday Sept. 29

Questions re : FI with Jane. What was thinking? How he could help her leg function by balancing abductors and adductors.
Review of Erin lessons to date. What the progression has been to help her walk better.
Video: Moshe with Erin #3 completion
ATM: AY # 275 Introduction to Walking #2 (Alice)
Questions and discussion. Review of FIs for thinking.

Day 11 Jerry Friday Sept. 30

Talk: Why begin slow and gentle: To calm rather than irritate NS. Jerry appears to work more strongly and faster as he has done this for many years but he is not as big, fast or strong as it appears. He senses what is happening and does not shake up the system, especially at first (unless later it is intentional). Importance of sensing and feeling before /as doing.
Difference between Technique and Method.
Questions arising from Study Hall: working with person in severe pain.
Questions re: lesson with May Nasser’s eyes. His thinking and description of situation. Using what he knows about structure and function of the eye and what she reports to explore, with her, various possibilities to see what transpires. A useful demonstration of ‘Method” vs technique.
ATM: Sitting on Table Turning Hand. Emphasis on organization into spiral from legs.
Video: Moshe with Erin #4 start.
Video: Moshe with Erin #4 completion
Demo and practice: Observation of a few people standing side by side- variations.
Practice with partner kneeling with torso over table. Observe them standing and then fine how to have them ‘lengthen’ over table and then ready to turn head.

Day 12 Jerry Saturday Oct.1 Last day

Video: Moshe with Erin #5
ATM: Kneeling, torso over table: Bringing knee to table, turning head, changing arms. Variations and possibilities. Head to each side with one knee up, etc.
Questions and discusion
ATM: Supine and Prone: Hip Joints
Supine soles together, knees together. Prone knees together, soles together. Ending rolling.

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