Your study guide for ATM lessons


Day 1 Sunday February 6, 2011
Moshe introductory talk from Amherst Year 1 (17min)
Small group discussion of what was the theme of the talk.
Large group feedback:
• Environment for Learning
• How to Learn
• what is involved in any action
• Search for better word for ‘Manipulation” (as part of Manipulation, Orientation and Timing)
ATM: Side lying with forearm and hand on floor near chest. Rolling backward from different places and following the sequence. Flexion and flexion to rolling backward.
Partner work: One side lying as in ATM and other sitting behind them and observing them do movements from the ATM. FLEXION MOVEMENTS
• From where do they initiate the roll?
• Touch where you think it would be easier to initiate- from above or below?
• Initiate at each place you touch. Do they go there or somewhere else?
• Keep alternating between where it is easy and not so easy for them until they can attend to and move and include more places.
Use a touch that invites movement not that creates a constraint.
• INVITE from different places on ribs. Set the environment for their learning.
Practice: Reverse roles from this morning.
Discussion and feedback.
Flexion is developmentally earlier than extension and a necessary precursor for it.
Demo: Person side lying and using a long roller as example of shape and of molding the movement for shape. Places in people’s back that have the greatest curve is most likely the most difficult for them to move forward.
• Observation of person flexing here to note the sequential pattern of what moves back and when.
• Placement of one hand on sternum moving from clavicle downward for skeletal contact. Sense the direction they move backward.
• Place other hand on back so that there is a relationship between the hands and find directions of ‘force’ for rounding backward from variety of ribs. Use the shape of your hand (in front) to indicate directions.
Partner work: Person side lying moves and other finds where to place hands to help make shape of the movement. The conversation is non-verbal as much as possible to give information.
Feedback and change roles.
Day 2 Monday February 7, 2011
AM: Moshe video: Two lessons with Elizabeth. “Elizabeth says “No””. and “Daddy, Daddy”.
Short feedback
Demo: Side lying on table. Observation of how person did this:
• Which side they chose
• Do they require something under head or between knees and why.
• How may their breathing reflect comfort?
Reasons someone might choose this position:
• Pain
• Guard or protect self
• Comfort
• Ease in getting up
Ask person to begin to roll backward from side
Place one hand on sternum and one on back to indicate directions and help them increase their capacity to move more into places from different directional cues.
Reverse roles
Day 3 Tuesday February 8, 2011 (A)
ATM: Supine, Hands interlaced behind head Raising Head. Beginning Flexion in great detail.
Demo: Partner work: One person Supine on table hands interlaced behind head. Other sitting at their head with their hands on partner’s arms/elbows.
• Partner raises head and other follows their sequence and pattern.
• One at head then initiates the movement to follow their pattern and preferences of direction.
• Change roles
ATM: Flexion Raising Head and Knees. Rolling s-s and rolling directly up to sit.
Demo and practice: One person supine on table with feet standing and other at feet.
• Finding ‘lighter’ leg and observation of how it is raised.
• Sequence of places of pressure distribution.
• Observation of other leg doing same
• Placement of hands on lower leg for ease of lifting with one hand and use of self in doing.
• Do observations and then lifting each leg.
Day 4 Wednesday February 9, 2011 (A)
Discussion on FLEXION. This is what class has been focusing on for three days. Using flexion to prepare for movement.
Demo with more depth and refinement from yesterday PM on lifting legs.
Beginning of using lifting of legs to roll person “steering” from here using the connection into hip joint and spine. Sensing through skeletal connections and maintaining the connection throughout. Not losing it as legs are lowered.
Practice in pairs.
Demo and Practice: One partner side lying and other sitting at their head. Flexion from movement from the torso. Rolling over ribs
•Finding placement of hands in order to invite person to direct their own movement more precisely.
• Clarifying pattern with them. Non-verbally
• Beginning of using flexion from torso to roll.
Demo and practice: Connecting rolling from legs and torso into finding directions to move toward tolling partner. Clarifications from AM practice invitations and indications.
• Placement of hands below knee
• Sensing connections and keeping them
• Indications of movement and invitations not big movements.
ATM: Revisit Rocking and Rolling
Baby Roll
Rocking and Rolling again
Day 5 Thursday February 10, 2011 (A)
Discussion and questions from yesterday
ATM: Rolling Over Elbow To Sit
Video: Moshe with Jonathon
Partner ‘game’ with two sticks: Each pair has two light sticks they hold with fingers connecting them to each other. With eyes closed and non-verbally they sense each other and move together. Must sense who moves and the change in ‘leader” and “follower”
.First slow and no music and later introducing various bits of music and back to no music.
Then change partners
Partners then try without sticks, touching wrists or palms.
Practice: Return to partner practice noticing differences in sensing with partner.
• Now indicate roll to sit.
Demo with skeleton of connection from legs into hip joint and spine for moving. Movement is through skeleton not moving legs s-s.
Group Discussion: Referring back to Moshe introductory talk:
Looking for a Title for it: What is of 1st import. List on Whiteboard and tick one you like best.
ATM: Side lying Rolling Toward Back (cont.) with detail of self-observation and stops for observations of a few people. Do with a series of pauses and note change of ‘shape’.
Day 6 Friday February 11, 2011
Groups of 4: One on floor supine:
• Guess which side they would roll to.
Person rolls over elbow to sit and down again 2-3 times
Person rolls over elbow to sit and down again on other side.
• Find something different on this side: quality, organization, progression, and smoothness.
Person lies on preference side and rolls to back and returns to side. Then same on other side.
• Observe differences here
Change person on the floor and do same process with them. Go through all 4 in group in same manner.
• Sequence (where they begin and where they end)
• ‘Bumps’
• Quality
•Changes they make and where they ‘effort’.
Three people do same process in the large group and detail observations.
ATM: Rolling to Back from Fetal Position:
Great detail in variety of initiations (head, knees & elbows, feet & hands, etc. Extension one side and return to rolling toward back.
Other side with attention to 1st movement of rolling back and then go through investigation of From Fetal Position on own initiation noting:
• Differences of initiations
• Differences in rate of inclusions
• how quickly you learn on this side
Lengthening from fetal position s-s with eyes following lengthening hand and clanging as reach longest place on 1 side to longest place on the other. Extension to extension with first movement to begin the flexion to bring limbs together.
Start on Left side to explore 3 different ways to roll and the images of each way
• From sternum backward
• Unfolding rolling over back
• Extension- arms and legs away from centre
Practice: Partners:
• Observe how person lies on their side: shape of spine as they begin and then roll onto their back.
• Observe Flexion
• What is available for them to go toward lengthening into extension.
• Begin to ‘dance’ in side lying for availability for flexion into lengthening
Questions and discussion
Continuation of side-lying observations then
• Using sternum and back placements of hands to help partner flex
• To help partner begin to roll backward
• ‘Tease’ into lower back to engage this too if not present
• Help partner into extension and return to beginning place.
• Play with the sequence: head and shoulders, or legs and pelvis.
Clarifications and change roles
Group homework: Form groups of 4 and choose who will do which ATM lesson: extension, rotation, flexion and rolling. Have ready to begin on Monday.
Day 7 Monday February 14, 2011
ATM Teaching homework assignment. Teaching an Extension lesson to small group partners.
Demo: 5 people do raising head from prone position.
• Observation of 5 different possibilities and shape changes.
• Different availabilities in spine. The 5 had a progression of availabilities.
What other orientations could extension lessons be done in?
Looking at some of the basic elements of extension.
• Rolling back or forward on sit bones vs. Gliding sit bones backward for length and support. Placing centre of mass over base of support to keep muscular effort evenly distributed.
Demo: Extension pattern from head and shoulders and how to encourage moving pressure points to different places for lifting head higher with less effort.
Demo: Extension coming from legs. Bending knee and raising thigh to engage hamstrings to encourage move into back
Contracting from legs and back (both ends)
Looking at different orientations:
• Kneeling and holding or reaching for heels.
• Supine, raising pelvis and walking shoulders toward heels
• Bridging
Partner work: Observe partner doing basic lifting of head supine.
• Where can you put your hands to help support?
• Lifting of legs with person supine
Comments on practice
Day 8 Tuesday February 15, 2011
Small Group ATM teaching: Rotation
ATM: Hoop Arms at Shoulder Level Rolling
Comments and questions re: lesson
•Detail of observation can either bring things together or feel like coming apart. (From deconstruction in detail of doing the lesson)
Talk by Susan Marshall ExDir. Of FGNA
Demo & practice:
• Looking at all the lessons from the small group teaching to see how they were all rotation.
• Observing patterns of roll in “Hoop” from arms/torso, legs/pelvis
Practice in pairs using “hoop” as investigation of rolling pattern
Day 9 Wednesday February 16, 2011
Small Group teaching practice: Flexion
Discussion and examples of what they all did and their experience of preparation and teaching.
Demo: Looking at bringing legs to stand with person supine.-Frog Leg-
• Find for self what happens to your own low back with each possibility of bringing one leg at a time to stand. Outwardly, inwardly or straight up
• Do BOTH legs at the same time
• Which involves least movement in low back? Usually knees together rolling inwardly.
Look at people with a tendency to hyperextension of the knee and for them it is harder to roll knees inwardly so need to find a way to bend knees a bit.
Demo: Leg to stand capturing the spiral into hip from foot.
Lifting leg from lower leg. Self-usage for lifting weight.
Partner practice: from AM Self-use for lifting
Demo: Person supine on table and bringing their leg and arm to touch.
• Spiral for ‘pulling’ arm and holding lower leg to create idea of ‘shape’ for the action.
• Create idea of connection by use of his own hands sliding on self for direction.
• Step by step connection top and bottom
• Hands to knees. Investigating how to get there.
•How to raise leg
• How to roll leg to stand
Day 10 Thursday February 17, 2011
Group teaching: Rolling
Discussion of books and other references for study and applications to and from other fields. Andrew Gibbons talk on piano practice in Feldenkrais terms and process
Feedback from ATM lesson teaching. Looking at steps in the lessons
Discussion: The value of the training for themselves and levels of personal discomfort that do arise. “Feeling” inadequate.
Where this process is going (training).
Deconstructing the practices
Teaching lessons from differing perspectives: metaphor, idea: reversibility, evenness of tine, balance/counterbalance, etc. as well as basic directions that spine will move.
Continuation of ATM teaching feedback
• Which lessons were chosen
• What they addressed
• Their experience and learning
Day 11 Friday February 18, 2011
ATM: Double Hoops (side bending)

Demo and Observation of Bacha-. She has more ‘lax’ ligaments than most so her adductors remain engaged to maintain her pattern of support. Noticing in standing where her foot rolls inward and follow the path through. Result is difficulty in difficulty remaining with soles together in lying to raise legs.
Using principles from lesson ‘I Edges of the Feet” to invite new pattern of no inner rotation of hip. Then including principles from Raising Head Supine and Hoops to engage her trunk and lower back for support in raising her legs and arms.
We are interested in being fit for living. To be able to handle our own body weight for movement
Practice: Observe and investigate only TOP “Hoop” and head. Raising arms and head.
Practice: Change roles from AM and look at only from leg “hoop”
ATM: Supine Rolling Head and touching down cervical vertebrae with fingers.
Day 12 Saturday February 19, 2011
ATM: “Dennis’s Lesson” (Shoulder, sternum, pelvis relationships. Peeling ribs from top and bottom. Supine and Prone
Demo: Person Supine on table.
Movements of the head are related to its connections to the spine, shoulders, ribs and sternum. Looking at these relationships so as to have head move easily in walking.
• Observation of how person lies
• Touching along cervical spine for what movements are available as in ATM of Friday
•Find ease and direction of raising shoulder
• Find rotational movements of shoulder-hip
• You can work in ways we have tried to magnify the person’s pattern of rolling over ribs, rounding, rolling and turning from various places
• Can end a lesson in this way of inviting movement in spine (cervical to shoulder)
Demos with Verdell, Janet
Short talk about being present and compassion and support for whatever person on table brings.
Demo with Ahmis
Practice in pairs and change roles after 20 minutes.

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