Your study guide for ATM lessons


Beatriz Walterspiel Guest Trainer (Days 1-10)

Jeff Haller Trainer (Days 11-16)

Day 1

Welcome: Introduction: Creating an environment as a specific for ATM and FI. For the Freedom to learn. We never know what a person will learn. We create the environment so they can make their own connections and learning.
ATM: Supine: Raising a leg and finding support. Arms in triangle moving up and down with and without leg.
ATM: AY #12 adaptation. Sitting With Straight Legs
Discussion: Questions re: wording in lesson; swing vs lift. Naming of lessons as a personal choice.
Discussion in Small groups: In groups of 5 discuss :

Discussion: Feedback and Questions and looking at the 2nd lesson in detail. Differentiation in upper thoracic. Demonstrations with different students.
Partner work: Observe your partner doing the last movement(s) of the ATM. Give information to help them: where do they move and where/how could you touch to facilitate movement.

Day 2

ATM: Side Lying with top leg on floor in front of other leg. Both arms straight forward one on the other.

There were breaks within the lesson for observation of individuals. Where there was movement in the back and chest. Looking for proportional movement and engagement of ribs.
ATM: continued. Do on the other side on your own making notes of what is interesting to you so you could include these as directions and metaphor in ATM for others.
Discussion: Questions and Discussion of lesson and exercise of the morning.
FI Demo and practice: Person side lying and ‘practitioner’ sitting behind them facing toward their head. Person’s arm is long on top of hip.

Day 3

ATM: AY #495 Arm Around in Lying
Discussion: How would/could the ATM give further information for the FI practice of yesterday?
FI Demo and practice: Demonstration with skeleton of shoulder girdle. Clarifications of connections through arm and placement of hands at elbow. How deep this work can go.
FI Demo and practice: Discussion and demonstration with person side lying and practitioner sitting at head:

Practice in pairs the 3 approaches. Interest in #3 is to think the arm is being raised above head.

Day 4

ATM: AY#11 Painting With The Soles of the Feet

FI Practice: In pairs, do whatever you have learned/remember to help your partner have more ease in raising their arm over head.
FI Practice: In pairs, reverse roles from the AM. Start with the observation of partner standing or sitting and raising their arm over head so you can see their pattern, and sequence. What in the sequence would you like to facilitate
Demonstration: Person side lying. Practitioner sitting @ head. Action: To facilitate raising arm.

Day 5

ATM: Esalen #39 Developing Pelvic Thrust
Discussion: Look at lesson in detail.
FI Demonstration and practice: Continuation of yesterday afternoon’s connecting arms to torso and spine. Hand around ear for

Practice and demonstration: With person’s hand/arm over head and resting on ear, sliding ‘practitioner’s’ hand under head to lift head into side bending.


ATM: Side lying Lifting Limbs and Lifting Pelvis
Talk: Letting an image of the movement emerge for each person in an ATM. Some lessons work primarily with image and it is our image of the movement that dictates how we do it. Our nervous system puts images together for action. Image/impression is how we connect the senses into action.
FI practice and discussion: What was most important for you in the ATM?

Demo: Looking at how to prepare someone to be more comfortable in starting position with supports under head &/or shoulder blade to gain sense of support from ground. The supports may change with different configurations of the pelvis as the pressure shifts under chest and head as lesson progresses.
With partner side lying, practitioner sits at their bottom and gives support gently under sit bone.
FI practice: What is person’s ‘wish’? What do they want. Look in relation to the morning ATM , lifting leg in side lying. How could you help them make the leg feel lighter? In pairs, choreograph what you know to do this.
Discussion: Homework for tomorrow: What do you and your cohorts see in observations? WE see &/or notice different things.
FI Practice: Engage partner in a dialogue at beginning of FI to make both of you more natural with each other and be able to elicit information.
FI Demo: Person side lying- notice how she/he places themselves and where their support is. Where is pelvis really resting? Standing behind them place hands on pelvis using the flat of the back of the hand. “Beam” through to the place of rest/stability to make it clearer.

Day 7

Discussion: Questions and feedback from yesterday’s work.
ATM: Differentiating Hip Joints
Discussion: Discussion and responses to lesson’s usefulness.
FI demonstration: Practice in pairs. With person supine

Discussion: Choreography of an FI lesson. Here process was set up from ATM process.
FI Demo and Practice: Person Sitting on table feet on floor. Practitioner in front of them lifting bent leg .

At first as you lift leg the sit bones may also raise and later it remains in place. Differentiation of hip joint and pelvis. Make sitting easier and less tiring over time. Practice in pairs
Questions and clarifications: Sensing without using eyes all the time.
FI Practice: Partner sitting and practitioner ‘pushing’ knee and noting where in hip joint it lands.

Day 8

ATM: Prone Six Positions (from Gaby)
Discussion: Infant development: Emmi Pikler. Personal attention (feeding etc) is where baby learns about human communication. When this provides sense of safety then they can play individually to develop movement potential. Her book “Give Me Time” (not the same in English). Look at the baby pictures on wall to see what? Were any in the ATM?
Feedback on lesson:

Form groups of 3 and discuss what pelvis is doing in the ATM (hint: at end it was easier to bring knee up). How did leg become light? What happened in organization of trunk for this?
Discussion: Feedback on information from small groups.



ATM: AY#12 Sitting with One Foot Standing and Lifting Leg (adaptation)
Discussion: What would be a preparation for a class to do this lesson?

FI Practice: Side lying one leg bent in front of other. “Pushing’ into hip joint. Feeling it in yourself to provide space for sensing in another. Embody it. This is one of the reasons we do so many ATMs.
FI Demonstration: Person on “all fours”. Finding support of legs and arms in sockets so that pelvis rests on head of femur. This is what we look for in ‘pushing’ leg in sitting and side lying.
FI Demonstration and Practice Having an organized trunk so limbs can engage in action. Organized trunk through the limbs for action.
Look at preparing someone to come to stand from sitting. (Better they are a bit low than high for organization of hip joints). Rib cage is ‘hanging’ on spine. Central support is from the spine.
Person aligning self with support of spine. Sit at corner of the table so ‘practitioner’ can stand at their side and find quality to bring arm toward their opposite shoulder. Need to think in 3D. Torso and pelvis as a column with strength so the arm can be light.
Discussion and expansion of practice.


Day 10

ATM: AY# 357 On the Elbows With a Hop
Discussion: ATMs as problem solving lessons. People will get different things from any lesson and at different times. It is a learning space for solutions to emerge. Yesterday’s lesson: Lifting leg to find a resonance in spine. Where do you get power for the leg (distal). Today’s lesson was moving proximally.
FI Demonstration: Person supine and supported. How would you give information to lengthen? Lengthen arm as if reaching upward.

Practice with one part of pair. Do not change roles until after lunch.
FI Demonstration: Partner supine you at their head: Lift head with hands under to substitute for ground. Raise a tiny bit as is until you feel heaviness. Same as lifting leg done earlier in week.
Clarifications of morning Crossing arms. Cross person’s arms and change your hands so they are crossed and you are not. Rest them with their elbows crossed.
Find way to ‘wheel’ up to connect arm to clavicle and scapula. How would they elongate their arm from here to engage ribs?
ATM: Standing Turning Right Foot: Leg to Left. Variations adding head, pelvis and breath.
Good byes to Beatriz

Day 11 Jeff Haller (video from here on)

ATM: Standing scan of fingers, hands, wrists arms, shoulders. Supine: Rolling progression from finger to shoulder. Pelvis and head coordination
Homework: Find and form a group of 4 who are all planning on teaching different principles. The first of the 4 ATMs will be taught tomorrow morning to the other members of the group (and visitors).
Demonstration and review of Topics Beatriz covered:

Practice: Form groups of 5-6 and have 1 person teach the 6 Position lesson as a way to understand more about it.

ATM: 6 Position lesson analysis continued.
Group Work: Return to groups and watch people in the group and help make the movements more possible for them.
ATM: Sitting on Table Turning Arms, Shoulders and Fists.

Day 12

Homework: 1st person in each group teaches lesson.
Discussion on practice teaching: ATMs should be deeply experiential and deeply informative
Discussion: Review of year in preparation for Study Hall.

Practice with each other AS IF for the evening.
Demonstration: on use of self in lifting someone’s arm and head.

Day 13

Discussion: Talk, questions and discussion on Study Hall evening.

ATM teaching groups: 2nd person. What is the object of the assignment?
Discussion: review of Beatriz’s two weeks of FI material.

FI Practice: side lying: finding and ‘pushing’ through sit bone to give information for lengthening the spine. Sit bones ‘glide’ back. Where can the pelvis make a circular movement (clock) so spine can go forward and up to head AS IF sitting on sit bones.

Day 14

Homework ATM teaching. Third person
ATM: Balloon Breathing
Discussion and Demonstration: Review of 2nd half of Beatriz FI material. The thread of the material, the intention and the thinking. The use of them as part of the choreography of a lesson.
FI Practice: putting these things together in ways that make sense for your partner.

Day 15

Homework: Last person teaches
Discussion: Review of the ATM teaching assignment. Metaphors and teaching that are intrinsic to the work itself.

FI Demonstration and practice: Observe, take in person relative to

  1. Space
  2. Smoothness
  3. Sequence of movement
  4. Where they initiate
  5. Sense it in yourself

Improvement in ANY direction is improvement in all directions.
Practice in pairs: Person looking Right and Left then side lying. Use everything you need and know to help them have the ability to move their pelvis in a smooth clock. Smoothness not size.

Day 16

ATM: Supine Raising Pelvis Lengthening Arm. From foot to head length
FI Demonstration and discussion of process of ATM:

FI Demonstration and practice. Sitting at person’s head with them supine. Rolling head with observation of how they use eyes and your own self use.
Take arm with ease and support for yourself to sense where person would bring their arm across and up midline toward face.
Find way to bring arms over head and then to rolling them toward side or toward reaching up as in ATM.
FI Demonstration and practice: Person sitting at corner of table.
1) You stand at their side and roll head between your hands from each side.
2) Lift their arm to midline and to opposite shoulder. Do each arm.
3) Support under arm (from arm side) holding hand and other to raise arm (elbow) toward their face. Other hand is on back giving lengthening information.
4) From front place hands around mastoid bones and move person side to side and then to stand
5) Find pathway directly up and through from pelvis to head so they can come up.

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