Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. Test movement: reading before and after the lesson.
  2. Lie supine, legs always long if possible.
    • Cover eyes with the palms, with no pressure on the eyeball
    • What do you see? Colors, shapes, black?
    • Find the darkest point
    • Lower arms, eyes remain closed
  3. Look from the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, to the right ear near the floor. Repeat
    • Do it very fast
    • Rest. Sense the facial muscles on both sides
    • On the other side: Look from the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, to the right ear near the floor. Repeat
    • Do it very fast
    • Rest. Sense the facial muscles on both sides
  4. Rest the eyes. What are the eyes doing? Where do they point? Where are they?
    • Do they rest in the upper outer quadrant?
    • Look quickly to the bridge of the nose, then do nothing. Where do the eyes drift back to?
    • Look forwards towards the ceiling
    • Follow a ball rolling right on the ceiling, down the wall, across the floor, to meet the right ear
    • Watch the ball as it follows the same path to return
    • Does it return to the same point? Is this point exactly in front of you or not?
    • Repeat several times
  5. Now, look from nose bridge straight to ear, and back
    • How is this movement different. Try both routes to the ear and compare. Is there an absence of focussing? Smoothness?
    • On the long route, observe where the eyes jump or skip. Try to smooth out any jumps
    • Same to the left: follow a ball from ceiling, down wall, along floor, to left ear. Return. Repeat
    • Check on smoothness and continuousness. Shaking, jumps, hops in the movement?
    • Several times vary this movement with a rapid movement from nose bridge direct to left ear
  6. Move from ear to ear via the nose bridge, without following along the walls. Repeat a few times
    • Move from ear to ear via the ceiling. Repeat a few times
    • Cover eyes. Choose the blackest point in the field of vision and spread the blackness more
  7. Rest, arms long, eyes closed
    • Press eyes closed with all your force, using eyebrows, forehead, etc. After a few seconds, release, repeat
    • Then do it for 20 or 30 seconds
    • Do it only with the right eye. Feel the left eye with fingertips to ensure it does nothing
    • Repeat with the left eye
    • Palm the eyes. How much black is there now?
    • Lower the hands
  8. See a small black pea on the bridge of the nose
    • Look at the ball rolling down the midline over the mouth to the navel. Return and
    • Continue to the hairline, over the crown, along the floor to the wall. Return
    • Sense continuity, jumps
    • Do the same movement quickly. As if the ball is wild
    • Rest
  9. Picture a white ping pong ball on the bridge of the nose. Replace it with the black pea, and repeat
    • What do the eyes do differently with the one and the other?
  10. Move the white ball from between the eyes to the ceiling, and back. Repeat
    • Picture a black Q with white interior, resting on the face
    • Move the Q away from the face, becoming smaller till it is only a dot. Return, allowing each feature to become clear – the squiggle, the black outline, etc
    • Repeat. Make its size proportional to the distance. Its clarity appropriate to the distance
  11. Palm the eyes. Check the quality of the blackness
    • Rest with arms down
    • Review and repeat whatever you remember from the lesson. Compare any differences
    • Open the eyes. Sense difference in visual clarity, texture and colours

Focus of the teaching

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