Your study guide for ATM lessons



This “pelvic clock” lesson works with the image, but does not actually make the full circle of the clock. You work with the soles of the feet together, knees open; sitting, while leaning on hands or elbows behind, and lying face up. It works extensively with coordinating and differentiating the movement of the eyes and head–while moving from 12-6 and while taking each thigh/knee towards the floor. It includes a passage differentiating the eyes–looking (or thinking of looking) up with one and down with the other at the same time.

Lesson Outline

  1. Supine. Scan
  2. Sit, soles together, lean on hands behind. Lower and lift the head.
    • Note the pelvis rolls. The abdomen pushes out and flattens in. Note how, and when, the knees open and close
  3. Resume the position. Push the stomach forward and the left knee and thigh to move to the floor
    1. Sense the asymmetric muscle work in the back
  4. Repeat 3 to the other side
  5. Alternate 3 and 4 to left and right
  6. Sit, soles together, lean on the forearms behind. Rock between 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock. Note the head moves in opposition to the stomach
    1. decouple the movement of the stomach and the head
    2. Re-couple the movement of the stomach and the head
  7. Resume the position on the forearms. Repeat 3 (left thigh to floor). Note that the head and eyes turn left
    1. Turn the head and eyes right each time
    2. Again turn the head and eyes left
    3. Alternate the direction of the head turning
    4. Hold the head central without it turning
    5. 7.5 (8.) Continue, turn the eyes right but not the head
    6. 7.6 (8.1) Turn the eyes left but not the head
    7. 7.7 (8.2) Alternate the direction of the eyes
  1. Resume the position, move the right and left knees to the floor alternately. Sense the incompetence of the right side
    1. Continue, turn the eyes in opposition to the knees
    2. Close the left eye, continue the movement
    3. Close the right eye, move with the left eye in opposition to the knee movement
    4. Turn the head and open eyes with the knee(s)
    5. Turn the head and eyes in opposition to the knees
  2. Supine, soles together, knees spread. Inflate the stomach, push it forwards, return. Note the movement of the chin.
      1. Go faster. Is the movement linear? Are the hips identical?
  3. Rock the pelvis so the knees touch the floor alternately. Note the movement of the head. (11.01) Make the head movement clearer, larger
    1. Move the head in opposition to the pelvis.
    2. And again in synchronization
  4. (34min.) Supine, soles together. Rock the pelvis 12-6. Note the head movement is clearer now
    1. Move the head in opposition to the pelvis
  5. Resume the position, move the eyes in opposition to the pelvis. “You will see that what limits (drives) the speed of the movement is the movement of the eyes and not the movement of the body.
  6. Lie still. Think that the two eyes move in opposition to each other. Note how difficult it is to think of something that one can not in any case do
    1.  Reverse the eyes (thinking)
    2.  Think of the movement up and down (both eyes together) at high speed
    3. Look down and up with both eyes (implies head/pelvis still)
    4. Now rock the pelvis, how fast can you go now that we have worked with the eye movement?
  7. Interlace the fingers behind the head, think of everything on your body on the midline. Are you symmetric?
    1. Lift the legs a tiny amount. Lower the legs, lift the head. Are you moving heels and nose in the mid-plane, in the same plane?

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Parts lying on the floor
  • At the end, lifting legs in this position, and head with interlaced hands: noting the midline.
  • Importance of eyes and neck to general tonus of the body.

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