Your study guide for ATM lessons

Note the abbreviations use:L – Left, R – RightLH – Left hand, RH – Right HandLF – Left Foot, RF – Right Foot,LK – Left Knee, RK – Right Knee



Flex/extend spine while walking.

Lesson Outline

  • Stand on you knees, hands on the floor, knees apart. Glue the knees and move the one foot away from the other foot. Move head to see foot that is moving.
  • Same but move head to opposite side of foot.
  • Stand on knefeet, extend feet.
  • Sit, hands behind, legs stretched, touch shoulder blades.
  • Stand on knees and hands, knees together. Look to the left and look at feet and look to the right and look to feet.
  • Both feet to right, both feet to left. If you can move them together.
  • Sit, legs stretched move in circle, independently… Using one hand… Swing the feet and your body too.
  • Sit up and stand on you knees and hands, flexup and stand on you knees and hands. Knees and feet together. Move both to right.
  • Now sit on the floor. Bring knees to middle and then to right, and organize so you can lift your hands.
  • Move feet to right and move knees apart then sit straight on floor behind you. Put feet together, separate knees and feet, sit behind you, lower head and it will be easily. Now sit, Hands on floor, sit with feet and legs so much out of the way the buttocks can sit on the floor outside the knees. Look at the feet when you go to the right, move the out of the way, keep head down (or body will fall back). Kiss the floor lightly with buttocks. One leg/knee clearly goes more forward, other back.
  • Put your elbows on floor in front of you. Move one knee forward and one knee back and sit on the floor. Switch, slipping pelvis.
  • Stand on knees, move the knees out of way, sit back (head down, breathing is easy, people stop falling on floor). Flex feet and put them on toes. Go fast, small of back goes up and down. Easier if head goes up and down.
  • Do one leg flexed and stretch the other, switch, like walking. Faster. Both together again.
  • Sit on the floor, feet on heels. Go lower than usual, one knee more forward, hands in front on floor. Lift pelvis and move knees as much and sit on the other. Pelvis in middle, knees on other side. Now feet in the middle and pelvis on other side.
  • Sit again. Both legs right and lean on LH only. Take legs in big circle to other sides and let them apart, free from one another. Alternate swinging both arms, moving in full circle.
  • Swing legs without using arms. Use body, swing legs, without hurrying, balance body. Swing legs and body in opposite direction. Hold hands natural, not like kangaroo. Use head and shoulder, move legs forward at same time, do not use hands. Use hands, see what they do.
  • Stand on knees, together. Open both feet together to lie back. Open them stretch them, flex in middle, stretch to the sides. Move both feet to right and look at them, then switch. Has spine gone soft. When tight sit in the middle, without falling.
  • Now get up and walk around and see how you walk with the full range.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching

Related ATMs


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Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • Add your thoughts about the lesson here.
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  • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!

Key Ideas, Principles, and Strategies

  • Converting up down (undulating) motion of spine in horizontal (level) plane to twisting of femur in vertical plane, resulting in legs to swing left and right, like windshield wiper blades in horizontal plane offset from original plane of spine by length of femur.

Typical Results

  • Improved walking range

Advice for Teaching or Turning into an FI

  • Use fingers on lower back to help see flex/extension during windshield wiper legs.

Personal Comments

  • Taught at practica in 2010. rcpetersen rcpetersen Sep 22, 2010

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