Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. Lie, if possible with legs long. Scan
  2. How do you know you are breathing?
    • Listen to the movement of air in the nostrils.
    • How do the two nostrils breathe differently?
  3. Sense the mouth cavity, the front upper teeth. Sense the inside surface of the front upper teeth. Sense the palate. Move awareness from teeth along the dome of the palate to the thread (uvula). Imagine a finger following its shape. Compare it to the shape of a dome that you know or can visualise. Progressing from the front of the mouth to the back, paint one side of the palate, from the vault down to the teeth. Imagine pressing the palate with a finger and making the arch bigger
    • 3a. Feel where your nose links to your mouth
    • 3b.Sense the left side of the palate, looking at each point of it. Imagine it becoming rounder and larger and dome like
    • 3c. Sense the right side of the palate, looking at each point of it. Imagine it becoming rounder and larger and dome like
    • 3d. Sense the whole dome now. Sense the distance between each of the pairs of teeth. Colour the palate as if with a brush. “Let the palate become large, round, high and protruded”
    • 3e. Insert a finger and feel what you have sensed. Teeth, palate. How does it differ from what you sensed?
  4. Feel between the upper teeth and the cheek. What is the true size of this space?
    • 4a. Imagine the space between teeth and cheek, think that there is much space, that there is no pressing
    • 4b. Use the tongue to press the palate, holding for 20 seconds. Make sure the pressure is not asymmetric. Where can the tongue not reach to press?
    • 4c. Press the tongue down flat against the lower jaw and teeth for 20 seconds. Is the pressing symmetrical? Check the width of the tongue
    • 4d. Again press the tongue against the upper palate, check its width and symmetry
    • 4e. Run the teeth or finger between the lower teeth and the cheek. What shape do you feel?
    • 4f. Do the same with your imagination. Imagine increasing the space between lower teeth and cheek
    • 4g. Pass the tongue over the inner surfaces of the lower teeth. Imagine increasing the separation of the teeth from their opposite neighbours, so the jaw gets wider
    • 4h. Rub the tongue from the wisdom teeth one side over the arch to the other side. Then colour every tooth  2x or 3x
    • 4i. Start thinking that the mouth becomes larger with each breath. Allow the teeth to ‘separate’. Allow the mouth to elongate towards the ears. The mouth elongates towards the nose; the nose becomes like an eagle’s
  5. Touch the jaw with the fingers, from joint to joint. Touch the angles of the jaw. With one (or two) hand(s) measure their separation
    • 5a. With the fingers touch the area by the chin and throat. Feel all the muscles. Is it possible to feel your lower teeth from the outside. How do the bones of the lower jaw feel? How big is each side, each arch?
  6. Sense the inner space of the mouth again, how wide and big it is
    • 6a. Now think about the space in the abdomen. Think about the space from navel to pubis, that there is a deflated balloon that you inflate. Does the expansion and pressure go towards or into the legs? To the floating ribs? Everywhere. Increase the distances
    • 6b. Sense the volume in the mouth cavity again. Press the tongue to the upper palate, then to the lower jaw and teeth. Is the pressing clearer? Is the pressure more even?
    • 6c. Can you think of the abdomen and mouth simultaneously? Switch from one to the other till both can be grasped
    • 6d. Sense the inside of the chest. Do the same with the chest as you did with the abdomen. Ballon, inflation, spaces, distances, all directions
    • 6e. Continue the sensing to the clavicles and throat, between the shoulder blades. Touch the breast bone. Sense the distance from border to border. Sense its distance from the spine as if a ball bounces up and down. Paint the arcs of the clavicles, making the clavicular outlet grow in diameter
    • 6f. Imagine the breath increasing the volume of the head. Touch the skull with the hands. Think you are touching the inside; how thick is the bone? What is the distance between the ears? ‘Imagine you are sitting inside your skull with a tape measure’ What is the front-back depth of the head? How far is the forehead from the floor? Now use the hand to check this sensation. Are the bones 4cm or 1cm thick? How far separated is the bone of the forehead and the tissue of the brain? Imagine the brain like a deflated balloon, inflate it. Think, which parts would touch the skull first?
  7. What do you feel after a lesson like this? Do you feel differently? Do you feel better?

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching


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Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

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  • Please provide your name with your insights.
  • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!


  • This is a lesson in the mouth, and imagined inside the torso. The trapezius goes down the back and attaches in similar places and levels as the diaphragm. So when you change the diaphragm tone, ‘generalisation’ means the other local elements also change their tone. Consider the relationship to the crux muscles, around L2, L3. Many people in contracting the diaphragm pull their lumbar up, instead of the diaphragm down (B. Parsons)


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