Your study guide for ATM lessons



This basic pelvic clock lesson doesn’t actually use the clock imagery. Works in lying with with feet standing, legs apart and together, and each knee crossed over the other; then with the legs long and together; then with soles of feet together and knees open. The circle is developed by drawing a line between taking the “belt” and the tailbone to the floor, then another line taking the “top of” each side of the pelvis to the floor (noticing where these two lines cross), and then joining these four points with a circular movement. The head is taken with and opposite to the circle of the pelvis. Distinctively, with the knees bent, feet standing, and legs together at the end, she discusses the knees drawing a circle on the ceiling consistent with the circle the pelvis draws on the floor.

Lesson Outline

  • Bulleted list

Focus of Teaching

  • Observing the space behind the belt.
  • Clarity of the circle
  • How holding the head may interfere with the movement
  • Where the lines (12/6, 3/9) run and where they cross

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