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Author: Moshe Feldenkrais
- Day 1, Lecture 1: Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method: Life is a Process
- Day 1, Lecture 1a: Orientation, Organisation, Direction
- SB1: Day 1, ATM 1: Use of the Self in Turning & Rolling/The eyes organize the body: rolling from side to side
- Day2, Lecture 1: On Learning, Choice and Health
- SB 2: Day 2, ATM 1: Flexing and Extending the Foot while pressing body parts and Lengthening (aka. Coordinating Flexion & Extension on back)
- Day 2, Lecture 2: On Omnipotence and Living Your Unavowed Dreams
- SB3: Day 2, ATM 2: Folding Into Sitting
- SB4: Day 2, ATM 3: Lateral Bending on Stomach/Head through gap on the stomach
- SB5: Day 3, ATM 1: Perfecting the self-image: Bringing the Foot to the Head and Rolling to Sitting
- SB6: Day3, ATM 2: Full Movement of Shoulder/Circling the Arm in Side-Lying an in Standing/Exploring increasing speed
- Day 3, Lecture 1: On the Biology of Posture
- SB7: Day 3, ATM 3: Using Legs to Sit from Stomach/Tilting the legs on the belly: Coming to sit
External Links
- The South Bend Workshop 1980 DVD Set at Feldenkrais Resources