Your study guide for ATM lessons

AY051 Twisting with head fixed

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #51 Reel 4, Track 3, Lesson 3 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY053 in the IFF edition.) correction: 051 is 4/3/1, 053 is 4/3/3 (AS) Reel 4, Track 3, Lesson 1 (according to Eva Laser Synopsis On stomach, holding the head still, move the pelvis right […]

AY089 Lengthening the arms

Source Alexander Yanai Volume 2 #89 Reel 7, Track 2, Lesson 3 Synopsis Lying, sitting, and half- or full-kneeling, you form one hand into a fist, arm overhead, and use the other hand to pull from the wrist to lengthen the arm. Also lengthening the spine by holding and gently pulling/turning the head. Lesson Outline […]