Your study guide for ATM lessons

AY289 Standing on one leg with movements

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 6 Reel 20, Track 2, Lesson 1 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline This is the first 8 steps (out of 14): In standing, hang your right arm and with the weight of the right arm, lift the left leg from the floor.  Do the same on the other […]

AY159 Standing on One Leg

Source Alexander Yanai Volume 4. Lesson 159 Reel 11, Track 4, Lesson 2 Synopsis From sitting (on the floor), one leg long, the other bent (heel close to sitbones), coming to standing, and reversing. Athletic Notice: This requires fairly highly organized pelvis/back/legs and some basic strength. I’m thinking that popular dancers such as Fred Astaire […]

AY078 Standing

Source Alexander Yanai #78 Reel 6, Track 3, Lesson 2 Synopsis Standing and lifting one leg, Supine and lifting one leg, organizing the hips and legs for standing. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Standing lifting heels, legs apart, legs together. Bouncing on heels. Standing lifting right heel, bending knee, then lifting whole […]

AY300 In standing, turning the heels outside

Source Vol 6 (251-300) Reel 20, Track 3, Lesson 4 (According to the german edition this source is wrong. This source is correct for AY296. AY300 could not be found on Reel 20.) Synopsis In this lesson in standing, you shift weight onto the leg that turns the heel out. Much of the lesson is […]