Your study guide for ATM lessons

AY308 Skewering the spine in the chest

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 7 #308 Reel 21, Track 2, Lesson 4 Duration: 39 minutes Synopsis 1-3 sentences. Lesson Outline Face up, stand feet. Roll pelvis to increase arch in back. Same, roll pelvis to take belt towards floor. Alternate: roll up and down. Accent on upwards movement. Interlace fingers behind head; lift head. Same […]

SFEC Notes – 08. Oscillations jello pudding

Source SF Evening Class Notes (1976) (Ehrman, ed; 2005) Lesson #8 Synopsis This lesson prepares for the Bridge theme by working face up, legs long, flexing feet to move the spine from the heels, primarily on the right side; you also “help” find this organization up the spine with the right arm. At the end, […]