Your study guide for ATM lessons



1-3 sentences.

Lesson Outline

  1. Face up, stand feet. Roll pelvis to increase arch in back.
  2. Same, roll pelvis to take belt towards floor. Alternate: roll up and down. Accent on upwards movement.
  3. Interlace fingers behind head; lift head. Same movement of pelvis. Lower head slightly as tailbone goes to floor, and lift slightly as belt goes to floor.
  4. Legs long, hands at 45 degrees. Using the heels into the floor, create the same movement of the pelvis. Quick and easy.
  5. Stand R foot; create same movement with L heel and R leg. The R hip joint will lift, the pelvis make a diagonal movement. Quicker.
  6. Other side. (Watch that it’s not a circle: the line is up and down on a diagonal, not a circle.)
  7. Stand R foot; turn head to look L with R hand behind. Lift, and create the same movement. The R foot can do the work without the L heel. Then change the head and arms.
  8. Other side.
  9. Legs bent, feet standing; lengthen both arms overhead. Alternate belt and tailbone. Now, lift head as you roll the tailbone towards the floor.
  10. Legs long, arms overhead: use the heels and create the movement of the pelvis. Then with legs bent, feet standing. Accent upwards.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

Feeling breath in the nostrils.

Related ATMs



Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • Variations of speed, using oscillations. (Most of the instructions end by varying the speed: smaller, simpler, quicker.)
  • I think the idea is that “skewering the spine” (rather than simply raising and lowering the arches together: arch behind low back and neck get larger together and smaller together as the three masses of the head, pelvis, and chest rock alternately chest towards pelvis and chest towards head) requires this particular differentiation of the lower ribs/low thoracic spine that you get the steps with the arms overhead, lifting the head while rolling the pelvis to the tailbone. The position of the arms and the direction of rolling of the pelvis both ask the spine and chest to lift in the lower thoracic area; the action of lifting the head asks the sternum and ribs, on the contrary, to slide down.

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