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This “coordinating flexors and extensors” lesson includes variations of see-saw breathing both with the knees to the side, and with the arm triangle to the side, taking the arm triangle to the side with combinations of legs standing/long, as well as lifting the head with interlaced hands, and variations of eyes and head differentiations.

Lesson Outline

On your back

  1. Basic move: Bend your knees, stand feet, cross R leg over L. Tilt R and return.
  2. Seesaw Breathing: Bend your knees, stand feet, cross R leg over L. Tilt R. Stay there. Draw in your abdomen and then push it down. Repeat. Do SeeSaw breathing. First slowly, then rapidly.
  3. Rest on back.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 on the other side. Rest on back.
  5. Tilt Arms to the R: Bend your knees, stand feet. Triangle arms.
    • Tilt triangle to the R and back.
    • Let R leg be long and see if it is easier to tilt R and bring arms to the floor
    • Bend both knees again, tilt R and see if it is easier
    • Rest on back
  6. Compare sides: Do basic move to R and L and compare.
  7. Tilt Arms to the L with seesaw breathing
  8. Lift Head and differentiate eyes: Bend your knees, stand feet, cross R leg over L. Tilt L. Interlace fingers and place behind the head.
    • Lift head straight forward
    • Notice the movement of the eyes.
    • When you lift your head, look down toward your feet. When you lower your head look down toward your hairline.
    • When you lift your head, look up. When you lower your head look down toward feet.
    • Habitual way: Do with the R eye only. Then with L eye only. Then both
    • Non habitual way: Do with the R eye only. Then with L eye only. Then both
    • Do seesaw breathing
    • Rest
  9. While Tilting and differentiate eyes: Cross L leg over R. Tilt L. Let body, head, and eyes move together.
    • Repeat but turns eyes to the right as tilt to the L.
    • Repeat but turn eyes and head in the opposite direction of the legs.
    • Repeat but turns eyes to the R as tilt to the L.
  10. Repeat step 9 but to the other side.
  11. Bend knees stand feet. Tilt both knees to R as the head goes to the L and the other way around. Slowly increase speed. Make it easy. Then let head and knees go in the same direction.
  12. Repeat basic move and see if it is different than the start.


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