Your study guide for ATM lessons




This is a pelvic clock lesson with the knees bent, feet standing.

Lesson Outline

  • Lie with feet standing, and increase the arch of the low back. Then establish the image of the clock on the floor below the pelvis.
  • Establish the 12-6 movement; make this independent of your breathing.
  • Establish the clock image behind the head, and connect it with the 12-6 behind the pelvis.
  • Establish the 3-9 movement.
  • Establish a continuous circle by starting at 12 and moving to 1 and back; then add each hour in increments until you are doing 12-6 around the arc and back. Then do the other side (12 to 11 and so on).
  • “Lengthen the arcs” by starting at 3, then exploring 2 to 4, then 1 to 5, then 12 to 6. Other side.
  • Make full circles in both directions, and alternate whether the head or the pelvis leads.
  • Same movement, but considering the subjective and objective perspectives: the line of the circle on the floor, and on your body. Do these match?
  • Some variations: With one leg standing and one long; with both legs long; with one leg crossed over the other.
  • He suggests two “next stages”: differentiating the movement of the head from the pelvis; and bringing awareness to the coordination and differentiation of the movement of the eyes.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Specifies locations of hours: 6 at coccyx, 12 at junction of lumbar spine and sacrum.
  • Connects the independence of the breathing with the head’s echoing the pelvis.
  • Discusses/does not discourage engagement of feet in generating movement of pelvis.
  • Achieving true/smooth arc.
  • Shifting attention between parts and whole.
  • Very interesting discussion of the subjective and objective (p. 120).

Related ATMs

See the Pelvic clock theme for more info.


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Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • Typical results: Feldenkrais prefaces these lessons with statements about their intention and results: in this case, refining control of the pelvis and lowering superfluous effort; hence improving alignment of the spine. Discusses the value of differentiation of head and pelvis, but the lesson doesn’t actually get to those combinations (a postscript describes how independence of the head and eyes is achieved).

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