Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1.  Lying on the back legs long and spread. Imagine a clock. Leaving the heels on the ground, turn the dials of the clock with the R toes. Do it slow. Do it fast. Do it in the opposite direction. Do it fast and simple.
  2. Repeat #1 with L leg.
  3. Lying on the stomach: Bend the R knee so the foot is in the air.
    1. Lift and lower the heel.
    2. Lift and lower the foot.
    3. Think of both the heel and the foot as you do the movement.
  4. Repeat #3 with the L leg.
  5. Lying on the stomach: Bend the R knee so the foot is in the air. Take the heel L and R. (Look with your eyes to make sure you are doing what you think)
  6. Repeat #5 with the L leg.
  7. Lying on the back, put both feet standing.  For the R foot, put the heel in the air and lean on the bit toe. Move the heel to the R and return.
    1. Do the same with the L heel. Move the L heel to the left and return.
    2. Repeat doing it simply and lightly.
    3. Do the movement with both legs simultaneously.
    4. Do the movement with the leg that is slower.
    5. Do the movement with both legs simultaneously.
    6. Do the movement with the leg that is slower.
  8. Lying on the stomach, bend the two legs and put the feet in the air. Join the feet. Move the heels away.
    1. Now open only the R heel.
    2. Now, only the L heel.
    3. Now, with both heels.
    4. Now fast and simply.
  9. Lying on the back, legs long, pay attention to the right leg. Turn the R foot clockwise.
    1. Lift the right leg and draw a circle on the floor.
    2. Repeat with the L leg.
    3. Do the movement with the two heels together.
    4. Draw the circles in the other direction.
  10. Stand. Weight on left leg, R heel in the air, R toes on the ground. Draw a circle with R heel.
    1. Do the movement in the other direction.
  11. Repeat #10 switching sides.
  12. Lying on the stomach, bend the R knee so R foot in the air.
    1. Draw circle with the R heel. “Go through the four extreme points that you just did.  Imagine there is a small board behind the heel.  With the back of the [right] heel, with a point on the back of the heel, draw a circle on the board”
  13. Repeat #12 switching sides.
  14. Do the movement with both feet.
    1. Listen to the tips (forefoot) as you do it.
    2. Listen to the heels.
    3. Listen to the “tips” and heels.
    4. Move both feet in the same direction (both to the right and then both to the left).
    5. Join the feet and make one simple movement.
    6. with the heels, go to the left while the feet go to the right.
    7. Go fast.
    8. take the [toes] of the two feet right and left.  Take the tips of the toes to the right, and to the left
    9. Together and draw small circles.
    10. Change direction.

Focus of the teaching

Related ATMs

Lifting straight leg and circling the feet:


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