Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. lie on back, legs long & together
    bend L leg, L foot touches R leg
    slide L foot towards & away from pelvis, always touching R leg
    – with ease
    add: heel only with toes & forefoot lifted in air
  2. repeat above with R foot
  3. repeat with both feet, together touching
    add: lift feet from floor
    – pull the legs, do not rock the body
    – quickly but not powerfully
    – strong axis
  4. legs & arms long
    slide arms down towards feet
    let head arch backward
    add: R leg bent, pull R foot towards pelvis at same time as slide both arms downward
    and pull in stomach & lift chest to make it even easier to arch head backward
    repeat L
  5. bend R leg, R foot touches L leg
    lift R foot a bit from floor, flex foot
    lead with heel & straighten leg/knee downward: leg hovers above floor
    – quickly, easily
    – not with power
    – for more details read last paragraph on p 3114
  6. repeat L
  7. repeat with both legs joined
    It is very difficult to do! Many are not able to do it. For this, we are doing it.
    – use your hands & arms down into floor to help
    – draw in stomach, lengthen lower back to floor, arch head backward
    – exhale: let air move out
    – not powerfully
  8. repeat same with legs pelvic width apart
    – head backward/chin away from throat/lift shoulder girdle
    – lift lower vertebrae of neck
    – feel movement in hip joints that push pelvis
    – lower hands & arms into floor
    – what presses into the floor?
    do 10 x fast
    – do not hold breath
  9. long legs, shoulder width apart
    bend R leg & bring heel/knee toward & away from buttock
    – track in line with R shoulder
    – small, easy movements
    repeat L leg
    – slow than fast
    repeat both legs together, pelvic width apart, do also with just heels on floor
  10. lift the knees & feet from floor
    – this is the end of the recording but not end of lesson
    – can imagine that the next movement is to do the same thing with both legs in air, pelvic width apart, then touching
    – and bring it to sit with help of arms pressing into floor and long axis (see point #8)

Focus of the teaching

Related ATMs

Flexing knees, supine:

Flexing feet, flexing knees, supine: Both arms downward, supine:


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