- 1981 New York Quest Workshop
- Duration of the recording: 54 min.
- The beginning of the lesson is missing.
- Lying on side, top foot stands with knee tilting. Then top hand circles and flexes on stomach, top leg balances on bottom leg.
Lesson Outline
- On left side, stand R foot, tilt knee in and out. Move R foot further back several times.
- Balance R shin on L leg. Seesaw R leg.
- Place R hand on stomach, let breath circle hand. Add finger flexing.
- R shin on L leg, seesaw leg as flex R fingers and circle R hand.
- Stand R foot again. Tilt knee: how is it now?
- Bring R hand to stomach again, flexing and circling. Lift R foot off floor, tilt knee in and out.
- Place R hand in front of chest, fingers forward. R leg rests on floor behind L leg.
Slide R hand forward.
Slide R knee forward.
Combine hand and knee movement.
Move hand and knee opposite to each other.
Slide hand and knee up and down. In same direction & opposite to each other.
Circle R knee. Add hand circling. Change direction of hand. Change again. - Hand to stomach again, flex and circle: lighter?
Focus of Moshe’s Teaching
- Finding your own rhythm for moving
- Reducing movement effort
Related ATMs
- Amherst Year 2 (1981) -Week 1
- 06/08/81 ATM: Flexing of right palm / Flex hand to stand
- 06/09/81 ATM: Flexing of right palm / Press floor to lift knee
- 06/09/81 Prone to Standing While Flexing Right Hand / Bell Hand in Hair
- 06/10/81 ATM: Flexing hands and feet together / Flex fingers and toes
- 06/10/81 On back flexing torso / Bell crawl
- 06/11/81 ATM: Swimming crawl / Bell hand, think toes
- 06/11/81 ATM: Swimming crawl / Bell hand, think toes (cont.)
- Tag unilateral
Bell hand:
- Amherst 2 – Week 1 – 06/09/81 Prone to Standing While Flexing Right Hand / Bell Hand in Hair
- Amherst 2 – Week 1 – 06/10/81 Bell crawl
- Amherst 2 – Week 1 – 06/11/81 AM1 Swimming crawl / Bell hand, think toes
- Amherst 2 – Week 1 – 06/11/81 AM2 Swimming crawl / Bell hand, think toes (continued)
- Amherst 2 – Week 3 – 06/25/81 PM Rhiannon’s lesson – exploring eyebrows and bridge of nose / Exploring eye structure in relationship to the spine
- SF Quest – The bell hand: soft opening and closing movements of the hand
- Recorded by John Quinn, GCFP, at 2006 FGNA Conference in Omega, NY for
- This lesson is a personal interpretation of Moshe’s “Bell Hand” lesson originally presented at the 1981 San Francisco Quest Workshop.
Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)
- This feels like two different lessons to me: am teaching it again to see if it becomes clearer this time around, as I don’t see one over-arching theme.–
angela.sparklehouse Jan 25, 2016
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