Sitting or lying, holding one foot and lifting the foot in the air.
Lesson Outline
Sit with the soles facing, with the hand lift the foot.
Also on the other side
Supine, feet standing, one hand behind head, with the hand lift the foot.
Also on the other side
Sit with the soles facing, with the hand on the outside edge of the foot, lean the elbow on the leg, press the knee to the floor
Also when the knee touches down, lift the foot off the floor.
Also with the other side
Supine, stand one foot, hold the heel and the outer border of the lifted foot with the two hands, lift the leg and head
Also on the other side
Sit, hold one foot with each hand, bend (lean) left and right till each leg touches the floor.
Subsequently also lift the foot off the floor
Supine, hold each foot with the respective hand, lift them and the head in the air letting the legs spread
Sit, hold the foot under the arch with the opposite hand, lift the foot
Also on the other side
Supine, hold under the arch of the foot with the opposite hand, with the other hand under the head.
Also introduce the elbow between leg and foot
Also on the other side
Supine, hold under the arch of the foot with the opposite hand, and the heel with the hand of the same side. Lift the leg and the head
Also on the other side
Sit with soles facing, hold both feet with the respective hand, lean to the right and left till the knee touches the floor.
Subsequently lift the opposite hand and foot in the air
Supine, hold both arches from inside, lift the legs and head
Repeat the last instruction, and spread the legs so the body rolls right and left
Supine, hold both arches from inside, use the hand to push the foot vertically downwards to press the knee on the floor
Also on the other side
Supine, hold both arches from the inside, lift the feet up, and press the floor with the back and lift the head, then press both knees towards the floor by using the hands
Focus of the teaching
In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on
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Could be used to prepare for squatting or for Book on the Foot (Ben P)
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