Your study guide for ATM lessons



This lesson involves lying on the side, but with the shoulders turned back towards the floor/face towards ceiling. You explore various directions of lifting and turning the head, using your fingertips to soften your ribcage and slide your sternum.

Lesson Outline

  • On the right side, legs bent, turn head to the right, roll shoulders
  • Same on the left side
  • On the right side, with left knee on the floor, turn head to the right
  • Same on the left side
  • On right side, twist shoulder girdle to the left, left arm long towards the left, drag head to the right (right ear towards right shoulder)
  • On right side, same position, drag head and turn and lift to look at left hand
  • On right side, same position, push sternum and ribs to the left
  • Still on the right side, drag+turn+lift the head again (reference movement)
  • Same 4 movements on left side
  • On the right side, legs bent, turn head to the right, guide head with left hand
  • Same on the left side
  • On the right side, twisted, push sternum and ribs downwards
  • Same on the left side
  • Same on the back
  • On the right side, legs bent, turn head to the right, guide head with left hand (reference movement)
  • Same on the left side
  • Turn head in standing (reference movement)

In pauses in between check how you are lying on your back, how your chest feels like on the floor


Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • This is one of my favorite lessons to work with the rib cage. I used 3 ATM classes with the same group (3 weeks consecutively) to explore this movement, adding in a lot of related mini ATMs to explain and explore. I also explored this lesson in FI, which brought me to a whole new level of understanding and FI expertise – AlfonsGrabher Nov 25, 2014
  • Put rests where people need it. In the original source seems like this case. – AlfonsGrabher Nov 25, 2014
  • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!

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