Your study guide for ATM lessons

AY084.5 Getting up from a chair #3 (not in IFF edition)

Source neither transcribed, nor translated into English Reel 6, Track 4, Lesson 5 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Theme Siting in a Chair Tag Breath-related-movement Tag […]

AY479 Movements of the chin to the sides on a chair

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 10 Reel 31, Track 2, Lesson 1 Duration of the recording: 38 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Sitting-on-a-chair Tag Fast-movements […]

AY046 Lowering the head

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 (1-50) Reel 4, Track 1, Lesson 3 (This reference is identical with the reference of AY045 in the IFF edition.) correction: 045 is 4/1/3, 046 is 4/1/4 – in Hebrew (AS) Reel 4, Track 1, Lesson 4 (according to Eva Laser Synopsis The lesson is outlined in 15 numbers […]

Amherst 1 – Week 5 – 07/07/80 – 07/09/80 Rolling the Pelvis (Part 1 – 5)

Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) Duration of the recordings:   #1 07/07/80, pm1: 35 min. #2 07/07/80, pm2: 18 min. #3 07/08/80, am: 63 min. #4 07/09/80, am: part 1: 72 min. (Talk – Action, Orientation and Timing included), part 2: 31 min. #5 07/09/80, pm: 88 min. (Joke Number Twenty-One included) Synopsis Write a […]

AY050 Lowering the head

Source Alexander Yanai Volume 1 Reel 4, Track 2, Lesson 4, Side ? Synopsis This lesson involves spinal flexion and extension in a relatively large number of different positions, both symmetric and asymmetric. Positions include sitting, on all fours, kneeling, sphinx, semi reclined, inter alia. Lesson Outline Lower the head forwards, rounding the back; and […]

MG78 #06 – Learning to move the head and neck from the center in side sitting

  Source Mia Segal-Gaby Yaron Evening Class Notes Mia Segal, June 29, 1978 Synopsis 1-3 sentences. Lesson Outline Sit cross-legged, hands on thighs. Raise (as high as you can) and lower head. (Is your nose your head? Throughout, shifting awareness.) Sit with legs long, lean on hands behind. Lower and raise head (as far as […]