SF3 – Day 34 – 10 August 1977: Tilting legs on back, knees crossed, fingers interlaced above head continued. Returning to and moving away from easy limits improves those limits.
Source SF Training Year 3 10 August 1977 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Softening-chest Theme Coordinating Flexors and Extensors Tag Demonstration Tag Hip/Pelvis Freedom […]
Amherst 2 – Week 7 – 07/23/81 AM2 Prone-Raising and Moving Pelvis and Heels / Pelvis Orbits Around Foot (Included—Prone-Rocking the Body on the Stomach / Arc on Stomach)
Source Amherst Year 2 (1981) Duration of the recording: 36 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Hamstring Tag Demonstration Tag Hip/Pelvis Freedom Tag Eyes Tag Extension-lesson Tag Seeing-the-Heels […]
Amherst 1 – Week 9 – 08/05/80 AM2 Differentiation of arms – lying (part 1)
Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) Duration of the recording: 82 min. Continuation of 08/04/80 AM1 Hand movement differentiation 08/04/80 AM2 Playing fiddle with the elbows (part 1) 08/04/80 AM3 Playing fiddle with the elbows (part 2) 08/05/80 AM1 Differentiation of arms – sitting Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of […]
Amherst 1 – Week 6 – 07/16/80 AM1 Integrating arms – crossing the arms
Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) Duration of the recording: 49 min. Continuation of 07/15/80 Integration of arms lying on the stomach Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs […]
MM07 The Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body
Source The Master Moves – Mann Ranch Workshop Collection Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Theme Deadbird Tag Eye-differentiation Tag Imagining Tag Fast-movements Tag Turning-in-sitting Tag Rolling-head-between-hands […]
AY019.5 Unidentified and Partial
Source neither transcribed, nor translated into English Reel 2, Track 2, Lesson 5 Duration of the original recording: 28 minutes (according to Moti Nativ) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus […]
AY076 Slow lifting; on the stomach
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #76 Reel 6, Track 2, Lesson 5 (according to Eva Laser https://www.somatik.se) Reel 6, Track 2, Lesson 3 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY074 in the IFF edition.) correction: 074 is 6/2/3, 076 is 6/2/5 in Hebrew (AS) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline On […]
Amherst 2 – Week 6 – 07/13/81 Supine interlacing fingers / Clasped Hands Rotation
Source Amherst Year 2 Duration of the recording: am: 19 min. pm: 31 min. Synopsis Lying face up and face down, fingers interlaced: twisting the forearms, while moving the hands up and down, and in a circle around the head. Using the distal to address the proximal. Lesson Outline Lying face up, hands interlaced, […]