Your study guide for ATM lessons

AY038 Head and back (distinctions in turns)

Source Alexander Yanai Volume 1 Reel 3, Track 4, Lesson 1 (according to Eva Laser Reel 2, Track 4, Lesson 4 (This reference is identical with the reference of AY025 in the IFF edition) Synopsis A lesson in differentiation of the twisting of the head, chest and hips in supine and prone positions, using […]

AY230 Self hug the arms rolling the upper and lower girdle, on the back and abdomen

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 5 Reel 16, Track 4, Lesson 1 Synopsis Twisting around the vertical axis, distally using head and pelvis with variations in opposition. Some practitioners note that dizziness can be a side effect. Lesson Outline 1. Supine. Feet standing. Hug with two hands at shoulder blades. R hand to L shoulder blade; […]

Amherst 1 – Week 4 – 07/01/80 Tilting the knees (part 2)

Source Amherst Year 1 Duration of the recording: 33 min. Synopsis Continuing with L knee crossed over R, arms in triangle, and tilting everything to the L. Add in the eyes and head turning L, and then also taking the back of the head to the R as everything goes L. Also, hugging self and […]

AY469 Separating twists on a chair

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 10 Reel 30, Track 3, Lesson 2 Duration of the recording: 40 min. Synopsis Sitting in a chair, with each hand resting on the thigh or both hands on one thigh, you turn (twist) to the side and differentiate the head and eyes, looking from side to side and up and […]

AY447 Opposition on the side

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 9 Reel 29, Track 2, Lesson 1 Synopsis Lying on side, knees bent back and thighs in continuation of spine, top arm lying behind so hand touches the floor. Take shoulder/back backwards, forwards. Mostly working with small, fast movements. Face turned towards ceiling: lift head with that same hand. Variations of […]

AY028 Legs crossed and expanding chest and abdomen

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 #28 Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 2 (according to Eva Laser 3/1/2 and also 16/3/3 – identical lessons (AS) Reel 1, Track 1, Side A, Lesson 2 (IFF) Duration 42 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Beine überkreuz und Brustkorb und Bauch erweitern Synopsis This “coordinating flexors and extensors” […]

AY246 General coordination

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 5 Reel 17, Track 4, Lesson 1 Synopsis One practitioner calls this the “Feldenkrais Sampler” – a little taste of all we do. Lesson Outline Following is an outline in German, then a translation, then a detailed step-by-step. In the step-by-step, please note that the step numbers do not correspond to […]

AY468 Extending the arms with standing the foot on the lower leg

Source Alexander Yanai, Vol 10 Reel 30, Track 3, Lesson 1 Duration of the recording: 40 minutes Synopsis movement of the shoulder girdle (first half) Differentiation of spinal movement in relation to the shoulder girdle (second half) Hands interlaced, turn palms outwards overheard. At the same time, expand chest and pull in stomach, while pressing […]

AY367 Crossing legs and twisting

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 8 Reel 24, Track 3, Lesson 6 Duration of the recording: 40 minutes Synopsis Coordination of flexors and extensors Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of Moshe’s Teaching Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching Related ATMs AY028 Legs crossed and expanding chest […]