Your study guide for ATM lessons

New York Quest – DAY2 – PM1 – Rolling from sitting to lying and back again

Source New York Quest Workshop, May 29-June 3, 1981 Duration of the recording: 58 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching   In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Lecture Tag Rolling-back Tag […]

Amherst 1 – Week 9 – 08/07/80 AM1 Summary of lessons and principles (#1)

Source Insert a link to Sources page Duration of the recording: 69 min. Review of the training so far and continuation of 08/06/80 AM2 Right side arm and leg go to ceiling 08/06/80 AM3 Full circles holding the legs Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching […]

Amherst 1 – Week 9 – 08/05/80 AM2 Differentiation of arms – lying (part 1)

Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) Duration of the recording: 82 min. Continuation of 08/04/80 AM1 Hand movement differentiation 08/04/80 AM2 Playing fiddle with the elbows (part 1) 08/04/80 AM3 Playing fiddle with the elbows (part 2) 08/05/80 AM1 Differentiation of arms – sitting Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of […]

Amherst 1 – Week 6 – 07/17/80 AM Rotation of head and teleceptors

Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) #1: 37 min. (“Talk—Symmetry” included) #2: 57 min. (“Talk—Symmetry continued” included) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Lecture Tag Eyes Tag Pendulum-movement-head […]

MM01 Twisting to Floor

Source The Master Moves – Mann Ranch Workshop Collection mostly lecture Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Standing-to-sitting Tag Sitting-to-standing Tag Coming-to-sit Tag Coming-to-stand Tag Fast-movements […]

Amherst 2 – Week 1 – 06/11/81 PM Sit, Shoulder Forward, Rotate Head

Source Amherst Year 2 Duration of the recording: 46 min. (Talk—Survival and Posture included) Synopsis The title is misleading. There is no interlacing at all. This video segment starts with “Sit, Shoulder Forward, Rotate Head” in continuation of “06/10/81 Sitting, Shoulder Forward to Ear” and “06/10/81 Rotating the shoulders”.  The second part is “Flexing of […]

Amherst 1 – Week 5 – 07/07/80 – 07/09/80 Rolling the Pelvis (Part 1 – 5)

Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) Duration of the recordings:   #1 07/07/80, pm1: 35 min. #2 07/07/80, pm2: 18 min. #3 07/08/80, am: 63 min. #4 07/09/80, am: part 1: 72 min. (Talk – Action, Orientation and Timing included), part 2: 31 min. #5 07/09/80, pm: 88 min. (Joke Number Twenty-One included) Synopsis Write a […]