Your study guide for ATM lessons




This is a “dead bird” lesson: side-sitting, leaning on one hand to the side/behind, and holding the other drooping in front of the face. Various variations increase the twist you can make in turning to the side of the hand you lean on.

Lesson Outline

  1. Side-sitting, right leg backwards, left leg in front with left foot touching/above right knee, leaning on left hand behind. Lift right hand in front of eyes. Turn to the left (head/eyes/arm as a unit) and see where your nose points–stopping when effort increases. (=Ref (reference movement)–starting place for each of the variations below, and check-in movement at the end of each variation)
  2. Stay left, and turn eyes/head back to the right. Ref.
  3. Stay left, and turn eyes only back to the right. Ref.
  4. Stay left, and pay attention to the right buttock: move back to the front, and clarify in your awareness how the right buttock starts this movement, connects spine, connects legs. Taller when you go left. Ref.
  5. Stay left, move head and eyes further left: observe the connection of that with right leg, right buttock.
  6. Lie face up and check your kinesthetic awareness of width of feet (shoulder-width?), width of mouth.
  7. Sit in starting position, remind yourself of feeling of right hip joint initiating and eyes moving left and right.
  8. Sit, turn and stay left. Put right hand on top of head and take left ear to left shoulder; then right ear to right shoulder. Then the same but relate to right buttock–it lifts when right ear to right shoulder, and moves towards floor when left ear to left shoulder. Ref.
  9. Commentary on direction of wrist (resting).
  10. Sit and turn whole shoulders, arms to the left, and lean on both hands to the left of the left thigh. Turn head and shoulders back to the front. Then stay left, move just head and eyes right and left. Include shoulders again. Ref.
  11. Same starting place as 10: turn shoulders back to front while taking head and eyes further left. Reverse: head and eyes to front and shoulders further left. Repeat, but take eyes with shoulders instead of head “to show what I mean by awareness”.
  12. Ref. Compare the marker of where your nose first reached.
  13. Lie on back and compare sides. Walk and compare sides, turning left and right.


Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Huge focus on right buttock, compared to other versions of this lesson
  • In sum: as the first lesson in this workshop, he surveys a number of fundamental concepts.
    • Moshe emphasizes the completion of the self-image (using/being aware of all of yourself in a movement)–in contrast with Freud’s focus on oral, anal, genital stages; and distortion in the self-image, having the group estimate the width of their eyes, their mouth.
    • He also introduces the concepts of orientation, manipulation, and timing.
    • Discussion of Weber-Fechner law.

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Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • The hand hanging in front of the face is a constraint that keeps the twisting from happening in the neck and upper spine, usually the parts we recruit exclusively for twisting the head.
  • Add your thoughts about the lesson here.
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  • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!

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