- Alexander Yanai Volume 3
- Reel 10, Track 4, Lesson 3
- Summary: from sitting to standing my means of a twist. From standing to sitting by means of a twist. Details: Sit with soles together and arms in a ring in front, turn the body, shift the weight in the buttocks, stand one knee, both knees, one foot, both feet. And return. Also, from standing to sitting. Also go fast.
Lesson Outline
- Highly condensed outline of key movements
- Sit with soles close. Form a circle with the arms. Wrists limp. Look at where the hands would touch
- Turn head and arms right and left
- shift the weight from one buttock to the other
- Rest
- Sit again, turn the arms right and the head left and vice versa
- shift the weight from one buttock to the other
- now move head and arm in the same direction
- now move head and arms in opposite directions whilst shifting weight in the buttocks
- now move head and arm in the same direction. Compare with earlier
- Rest
- Sit again. Turn arms and head to the right, and come up onto the knees
- do not push or fall, allow the back to round so it can happen
- Repeat this to the left side
- Rest
- Sit again, repeat the arm and head turn, come up onto the knees, continue and stand on one foot
- Repeat this from side to side
- use hand on floor for balance
- Repeat this from side to side
- Rest
- Repeat the movement, using the hand for balance, but once one foot stands continue to move the pelvis in the same direction and stand the second foot
- Rest
- Sit again and repeat the full movement but keep the hand on the floor
- go fast
- Rest
- Stand, right hand on floor in front in between the legs
- Turn the pelvis, set it next to the hand, and sit cross legged
- Repeat with the other hand, to the other side
- Repeat with one hand then the other/ to one side then the other
- change the hands with speed
- do a full circle, do not get up till the end
- Rest
- Sit again, arms in a circle in front of the chest
- Turn and come up to standing and go back down
- see if it is possible without the hand helping
- Repeat fast, with the help of the hands
- Turn and come up to standing and go back down
- End of the lesson
Focus of the teaching
- In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on
- Go fast. “You arrive at the true speed of a cat” (BenP
Related ATMs
- Tag Coming-to-stand
- Tag Standing-to-sitting
- Tag Sitting-to-standing
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