- Alexander Yanai Vol 1 #28
- Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 2 (according to Eva Laser
- 3/1/2 and also 16/3/3 – identical lessons (AS)
- Reel 1, Track 1, Side A, Lesson 2 (IFF)
- Duration 42 min.
- For German see AYnmal täglich: Beine überkreuz und Brustkorb und Bauch erweitern
This “coordinating flexors and extensors” lesson includes variations of seesaw breathing, hugging yourself, lifting your head with interlaced hands, and tilting the arm triangle to the side with legs long and knees bent.
Lesson Outline
[Variation if twist is too intense: Keep feet hip-width and tilt legs without crossing knees.]
- Supine scan.
- Stand feet. Cross R knee over L.– Legs sink to R. Exhale while legs transit down.
- Lower to R and stay. Do seesaw. Which side of chest is easier to fill? (Breathe independently of seesaw.)
- Other side.
- Feet standing hip-width apart. Hug self.
- Roll shoulders and chest R&L. Head is free to roll.
- Increase speed.
- Change arms. Roll, keeping head stable toward ceiling
- Stand feet. Cross R knee over L.
- Legs sink to R and stay. Interlace fingers behind head. Lift & lower head. Exhale while lifting.
- Other side. [PLEASE NOTE: Moshe possibly made a mistake here. He says: “Cross the right leg over your left. Sink your two knees to the left.” And then, “remain with your legs . . . tilted over to the left.” I think this may be a mistake because it’s a departure from the structure of the rest of the lesson, which is symmetrical.]
- Stand feet. Extend arms toward ceiling, palm-to-palm.
- Both feet standing. Tilt arms to R and return. On tilt, hands stay together wi elbows straight. Allow pull to lift L shoulder. Head free (or lift if have to).
- Extend L leg and continue tilting. Curtails freedom of arms. Lean into it; push with R foot. Feel opposition in R hip-joint.
- Now stand L foot and extend R leg. Much easier.
- Tilt arms to R and stay. Do seesaw.
- Stand feet. Extend arms toward ceiling, palm-to-palm.
- Both feet standing. Tilt arms to L and return. On tilt, hands stay together wi elbows straight. Allow pull to lift R shoulder. Head free (or lift if have to).
- Extend R leg and continue tilting. Curtails freedom of arms. Lean into it; push with L foot. Feel opposition in L hip-joint.
- Now stand R foot and extend L leg. Much easier.
- Tilt arms to L and stay. Do seesaw.
- Cross R leg over L. Lower and lift knees to R and back. (Reference movement.)
- Switch legs. Lower and lift to L and back.
- Stand both legs and lift and lower head.
- “Seeing differences is one of the most important things. You will be able to recreate the same organization without spending hours improving your body, if you find a difference and feel what it does to you. . . . If you don’t recognize that difference, it disappears in a minute. It is possible for your body to recreate the difference if you listened and felt it. You slowly remember it and learn when the difference is comfortable.”
~~~Anita Schnee, 5.31.18
Focus of Moshe’s Teaching
- Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching
- The lesson is IMHO a breathing lesson that uses the classic flexor/extensor gestures, rather than vice versa. There are quotable passages, including on not obstructing the breath. Ben P.
Related ATMs
- See Coordinating Flexor and Extensor Theme
- Also see Theme Breathing
- Tag Scan
- Tag See-saw-breathing
- Tag Self-hug
- Tag Fast-movements
- Tag Abdominal-muscles
- Tag Triangle-Of-Arms
- Tag Breath-related-movement
- Tag Lifting-head-supine
- Audio recording by Sharon Starika at:
- A free version of Larry Goldfarb teaching this lesson can be found on Mind in Motion. You need an account to access the lesson. Once you have an account, go to your “Library” and search “Free ATMs” and then “Alexander Yanai”
Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)
- Add your thoughts about the lesson here.
- Please sign your comments.
- Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!
- The lesson is IMHO a breathing lesson, rather than a flexor/extensor lesson. The asymmetric positions with tilted legs or arms serve to challenge the breath habits by adapting inhabitual body positions. At the same time, seesaw breathing while twisted permits the body to release holding habits, specifically in the chest. Ben P.
- Seesaw breathing in an asymmetric position can be very difficult to achieve for some, or many, people. Simple seesaw breathing in a symmetric supine would be useful pre-work. Ben P.
- The manner of achieving rotation can be explored., when the arm triangle leans to the side. Does the trunk ‘peel’ itself off the floor (like in AY310), or does it ‘lever’ itself off the floor by means of pushing with the foot, buttock, or most likely, by extending the lumbar? Ben P.
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