Your study guide for ATM lessons



  • Continuing with the theme of taking the foot to the buttocks, but this time face down. Considerable time is spent developing the capacity to take hold of the foot behind by taking the head from side to side with one ear turned to the floor, to touch each arm (in various combinations of lifting and sliding the head, and of speed). Then reaching towards the foot to take hold, with the caveat that you must be able to see the foot and see the palm of the hand reaching towards the foot. Once you can take hold of the foot and bring it to the buttocks (heel in one direction and toes in the other, turned in), you hold it there and rock side to side.

Lesson Outline

  • Highly condensed outline of key movements

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching

Related ATMs



  • This is Charlie Murdach teaching the “reminder” movement for this ATM:

Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • Add your thoughts about the lesson here.
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  • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!

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