- Alexander Yanai Volume 1
- Reel 2, Track 4, Lesson 4 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY038 in the IFF edition)
- correction: 038 is 3/4/1 in Hebrew (AS)
- Duration 37 min.
- For German see AYnmal täglich: Auf der Wange
- On all fours, put one cheek on the floor. Roll the face up and down, using the back to lift and lower. Explore the face, rolling over the eyebrow, jaw, etc. Turn the face, looking with one eye or the other. Also thread one arm under, and roll the head. Lift one arm to the ceiling. Also “Errol Flynn” with the raised arm. Also turning the arm round in a circle.
- Exploring the movement of rotation of different segments: upper and lower trunk, cervical spine, shoulder and the relation between them.
Dog-photo thanks to Feldenkrais Nature
Lesson Outline
Here a video of Alfons Grabher doing the lesson
Main position: all 4s, cheek on the floor, palms on both sides of the head
- Right cheek on the floor. Bend the lower back.
- As before, turn the head, eyes to the ceiling, lifting L shoulder, shifting weight to the R knee
- Same position: R cheek on the floor, R arm extended to the L, R shoulder on the floor, eyes aim at the ceiling. Then, close R eye and make the movements with the L eye only. Now close the L eye and do the movements with the R eye only. Then both opened and pay attention to the rotation of the upper and lower back.
- R cheek on the floor: make circular movements with the R side of the face. Like the Clock lesson, in both directions.
- Do steps 1-4 with the Left cheek on the floor.
- Now, continue with the L cheek on the floor, L arm to the R, R arm straight on the L arm, lift R arm to the ceiling, the eyes follow the movement. Make a fist on the R hand and rotate the arm on its axis in both directions.
- Do the last movement with the Right cheek on the floor, raising L arm.
- Left cheek on the floor: Both hands to the R, lift R hand to the ceiling, and make circles, increasing the diameter of the circle.
- Change the direction
- Repeat 13 and 14 with the Right cheek on the floor
Focus of Moshe’s Teaching
- Trying not to ruin the neck via too much willpower
Related ATMs
- AY228 On the knees, place the head on a handkerchief is almost the same, but with the last movements of the lesson more clearly spelled out
- See Theme Vision
- Tag Base-of-neck
Cheek on the floor:
- AY228 On the knees, place the head on a handkerchief
- AY522 Movements on the right and left cheek
- SF3 – Day 11/B – 29 June 1977 – Spinal chain resumed
- Audio recording by Sharon Starika at Open ATM, 2003 season:
Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)
- Add your thoughts about the lesson here.
- Please sign your comments.
- Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!
- Same as/ similar to AY228. A very dynamic active lesson. Pay attention to the location of the constraints, the points of movement being around the shoulder, around the chest, and finally around the lower shoulder that is on the floor. “If you understand the constraint, you can decide how to remain within the constraint or move outside it.” Note that modifying the constraint “de-cruits” the spine from being mobile. (B. Parsons)
- This is kind of a preparation for falling safely showing the relation with the floor when each segment participates and then everything come together. Here in the video, a 13 seconds demo used in martial arts as Moshe probably did. — Erna Sotelo
- The position of the lesson is very used in Breathing Therapy. It is called Postural drainage: gravity assisted mobilization of the secretions of the bronchi. — Erna Sotelo
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