Your study guide for ATM lessons


  • Alexander Yanai Vol 11
  • Reel 35, Track 1, Lesson 3 (According to the german edition this lesson does not exist on the hebrew CD.)


  • Lying on the L side, the arms interlaced, lifting the R elbow–progresses to taking the elbow forwards towards the floor in front, with the head lifted, turning head to look back over L shoulder and over R shoulder.

Lesson Outline

  1. Lie on the L side, arms interlaced on the chest (see previous lesson: R hand in crook of L elbow, L hand on ribs on R now). ). Take the head forward towards the elbow as you take the elbow, towards upper arm touching face.
    • Clarify in sitting.
    • In lying again, lift R elbow, and then lift at the same time the head (cheek towards the R elbow).
    • With the R elbow lifted and remaining forward, take the shoulder forward and return.
  2. Lying on the back, do the same thing (crossing arms, lifting R elbow, lifting head and directing towards elbow at the same time).
    • Lying on the side again, lift the R elbow forward and lift the head also.
    • Then take the R elbow forward, aiming towards touching the floor in front of you. Pay attention not to achieving this, but to the pelvis pushing so that the spine lengthens and the head goes up.
    • Stay forward and pay attention to where the head is, and then feel how it shortens as you go back.
  3. With the R elbow forwards, take the shoulder/shoulder blade down in the direction of the hips.
    • Also take the R hip in the direction of the shoulder.
    • Also lift the head, and pay particular attention to how much the hip goes back down when you lower the head, and exactly when you lift the head.
    • Then without the head.
  4. Then on the L side, R elbow lifted forwards, lift head and take R shoulder and hip towards one another–stay there and take shoulder towards ear and towards hip.
    • Then stay and move hip towards shoulder and return. (Actually we work the L shoulder here.)
  5. Lying on side, lift R elbow and take it forwards towards floor. How is it now?
    • Take shoulder forwards and backwards, with elbow remaining forwards.
    • Then move just the shoulder just backwards–not the rest of the body.
    • Add in that you take the back of the ear towards the back of the shoulder. (Addressing the vertebrae of the lower neck)
    • Then turn everything together–shoulder, head, hip.
    • Then just the hip.
    • Then just the back of the head and the hip–not the shoulder.
    • Then continue but also push the shoulder forward.
    • Rest.
    • Then shoulder backward, and head and hip forward.
    • Then like 4, testing and speeding up taking shoulder towards hip and towards head, and lifting and lowering head (but not pelvis).
  6. Then 2 again–directing elbow towards the floor. How much farther does it go, and can you lift your head and look back over your shoulder behind you?

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • He’s quite explicit at points about what he is doing. Lift the head–to engage the pelvis. Otherwise you try to do the arms/shoulder movement without the help of the pelvis.
  • You use something to help, and then you can do it afterwards without help. Like your mother helps you learn to speak but later you can speak without her and even tell her to shut up.

Related ATMs


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