Your study guide for ATM lessons



  • Lesson starts in supine with the legs outstretched and uses one hand lifting the head to find the effortless spiral trajectory of the head over the elbow, while emphasizing the placement of the elbow and hand you roll over. Despite the name, you don’t end (… the lesson does not end…) with sitting, but with continuing up to kneeling.
  • Alternative brief outline of the actions: supine, hands behind head, lift head up and a bit to the right, and to the left. Turn the face, one hand behind ear, lift head and elbow and turn to the side, and also come onto the elbow. Hold one arm in air, lift head and arm and roll to the other side, coming up onto the elbow. Both arms to ceiling, roll once to the right in the same way, once to the left. With one arm to the ceiling, move the arm across and roll the body to the side, bending the one knee, then the other knee so both lie on their sides, come onto the elbow, then onto the hand with extended arm. Lift both legs and hands in the air, roll to one side then to the other and come towards sitting, Repeat this action and come up onto the knees. Roll ever quicker from one side to the other, without letting the head touch the floor. (BenP)

Lesson Outline

  1. Supine, fingers interlaced behind head
    1. Lift the head a bit forwards and right, return to the floor and do the same to the left
  2. Change the interlacing
    1. Repeat the action
    2. Now also keep the elbow very close to the floor, close to the flank
  3. Turn the face left, hold the left ear with the righthand, left arm at 45°
    1. Lift the right elbow, head, and turn the body as if you want to come onto the left elbow
      1. Note the left knee will move. Enable this
      2. By keeping the head low, it is possible to come up onto the elbow
      3. Also return with the head low, so there is no falling
      4. Exhale
  4. Same on the other side.
  5. Extend the right arm to the ceiling, left arm at 45°
    1. Lift the head and move the right arm across to the left, and come onto the elbow like before
      1. Note the left leg turns out and bends
      2. Keep the head close to the floor
  6. Same on the other side.
  7. Lift both arms
    1. Do the previous movement, come once onto the right elbow, once onto the left
    2. Let the elbows and wrists be soft. Both arms will be at 45° as you move
  8. Lift the left arm to the ceiling
    1. Repeat the roll to the right. Note the right knee bends
    2. Now also bend the left knee in order to sit up with a straight right arm
    3. Note the knees bend sequentially
  9. Same on the other side.
  10. Lift the legs and the arms in the air
    1. Roll and sit to the left, bringing the left knee to floor, leaning on left elbow, then the hand
      1. Note the legs need to be well separated
      2. Return to the back and go up on the other side (right).
      3. Alternate the sides
  11. Lift the legs and arms, roll and sit to the left only
    1. And in doing so, come up onto the knees
    2. Return to the back and repeat the movement to the left
      1. Note how the head moves in a circular action
  12. Same on the other side.
    1. As per the preceding point
    2. And now also do it once on each side, alternating
  13. Lift the arms and legs, do the action once to each side
    1. Now do not lower the head, but roll quickly from side to side
      1. Note you roll on the pelvis (or lower back)
      2. “Notice the two elbow and hands are like wheels over which you roll.”
  14. Sense the breathing. How the back lies now. Note how easy rolling was, compared to how it could have been
  15. Roll in this way and stand. Walk

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching
    • keep the head low to the floor to make the movement light
    • reversibility – going down is to be as smooth as coming up, without falling
    • going fast by rolling over the pelvis, not over the shoulders
    • MF indicates to exhale (BenP)

Related ATMs

Rolling to kneeling:


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Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • Add your thoughts about the lesson here. Please sign your comments. Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!
    • I can perceive this movement in martial arts / judo, rolling across the back in a fluid manner.
    • One contributor to this lesson entry mentions a spiral action. It would be interesting to analyse the nature of this spiral movement.
    • The abilty to roll over the scapula, upper arm, elbow, and onto the hand requires malleability of the chest. This is thus a functional theme of this lesson. (BenP)

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