Your study guide for ATM lessons

SF3 – Day 19 – 14 July 1977: Prone, tilting legs in and out, holding ankles. Extensors.

Source SF Training Year 3 14 July 1977 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Hip/Pelvis Freedom Tag Eyes Tag Carriage-of-the-head Tag Demonstration Tag Extension-lesson Tag Measuring Tag Imagining Tag Rocking-on-arc-prone     Friction: Reversibility: […]

MG78 #12 – Tilting legs on back and lengthening arms above head

Source Mia Segal-Gaby Yaron Evening Class Notes July 20, 1978, Lesson #12: taught ? Synopsis The title bears no resemblance to the described movements and so I consider it incorrect. Perhaps the title from 1977 lesson 12 has been ‘borrowed’ (“tilting on knee on back – connecting to arms above head”). A more fitting title […]

AY361 Separating the lower legs on the stomach

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 8 (351-400) Reel 24, Track 2, Lesson 8 Duration: 46 minutes Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Softening-chest Tag Hip/Pelvis Freedom Tilting […]

SFEC Public Workshop – Vol. 3 – 03. A longer spine

Source SF Evening Session Public Workshop (1976) (3 Volumes) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs SF Evening Class Notes (1976) – 9. Tilting legs on stomach (July 15) […]

SFEC Notes – 09. Tilting legs on stomach

Source SF Evening Class Notes (1976) (Ehrman, ed; 2005) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs SF Public Workshop – Vol. 3 – 3. A longer spine is […]

AY430 Wide open twist to side

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 9 Reel 28, Track 1, Lesson 2 Duration of the recording: 40 minutes Synopsis Lying on your side, arms straight in front of you, bring your top hand to the ceiling and then behind you. Follow the hand with head+eyes, be aware of opposing leg Lesson Outline 1. Scan lying on […]