Your study guide for ATM lessons



This is a lesson in side-lying, playing with shoulder circles (and moving in the direction of adding hip circles). Its distinctive feature is the idea of the arm and hand functioning as a piston, moving up and down (or forward and back) as the shoulder makes a circle.

Lesson Outline

  • Lie on R side (entire lesson is on R side). Arm is alongside, with hand resting on pelvis/hip. Take L shoulder forwards and back to middle. Let whole body assist, then remove this assistance. Let whole body and head assist, and then take shoulder alone again. Take the head and eyes in the opposite direction while taking shoulder forward, and then return to the shoulder alone going forward.
  • Take L should forwards and backwards, and allow body to assist only in forwards. Then also backwards. Then also eyes/head go opposite. Then shoulder alone.
  • Turn shoulder and face back, and then take them in opposite directions.
  • Lift shoulder towards ear. Lift head towards shoulder at the same time. Elbow straight. Bring them towards one another, and then move them together up and down. Then shoulder alone.
  • Move shoulder down. Lift L lower leg and foot away from right at the same time.
  • Take shoulder in circle: hand acts as piston. Other direction.
  • Stand L hand in front, elbow over hand: take shoulder in circle and now the elbow makes the piston movement.
  • Stand L hand in front, knees bent up close to stomach. take the hip forwards and backwards.
  • Same position: Take hip and shoulder towards each other–lift head and lower leg.
  • Same position. Move shoulder up and down. Move hip up and down. Move hip down as though to sit on floor. Make circle with hip, and change directions.
  • Take hip and shoulder in circles at the same time. Change directions.
  • Take hip forwards, shoulder backwards and vice versa.
  • Breaks off lesson because the direction this is going in is difficult and needs more time.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

Paragraph here.

Related ATMs



Hip circles on the side:


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