- Alexander Yanai Volume 7, Part A
- Reel 21, Track 4, Lesson 4
- Duration of the recording: 41 minutes
- AY 316 develops the ability to sit directly from supine without rolling to the side. Starting with head-hanging movements in supine, the lesson systematically organizes spine mobility, abdominal engagement, and head-trunk coordination to achieve effortless sitting through balanced muscular work rather than momentum.
Lesson Outline
- Sections 1-2: In supine with bent knees, explore rocking movements while maintaining a hanging head. Progress from simultaneous to alternating leg pushes, introducing head turning variations to establish basic spine mobility.
- Sections 3-4: Develop side-length organization through asymmetrical movements combining knee pushing with head pulling, emphasizing length “from hip joint through chest.”
- Sections 5-6: Refine lateral organization by connecting ankle and head movements, maintaining head contact with the floor while exploring different head orientations.
- Sections 7-8: Integrate previous work through circular head movements coordinated with leg pushing, focusing on achieving smooth movement without unnecessary muscle contraction.
- Sections 9-10: Develop precise abdominal engagement while maintaining chest flexibility through asymmetrical leg movements.
- Section 11: Culminate in direct sitting movement using organized abdominal effort.
Focus of the teaching
Moshe emphasizes the relationship between effective abdominal engagement and effortless sitting, stating “The ability to sit without effort really is dependent upon the possibility of the stomach muscles being able to work effectively.” He guides students to recognize unnecessary tension, noting that smooth movement indicates “the muscles along the chest, spine, and neck are not contracting without you knowing it.
Related ATMs
- AY310. Training to sit without leaning on the floor. (Page 2127)
- AY311. Training to sit without leaning on the floor, continuation. (Page 2133)
- AY312. End Standing. (Page 2139)
- (AY315. Preparation for sitting with swinging. (Page 2157))
- Tag Coming-to-stand
- Tag Base-of-neck
- Tag Abdominal-muscles
- Tag Cervical-spine
- Tag Knee-pulls-arm
- Tag Shoulder-girdle
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