- Alexander Yanai Vol 1 Lesson #1
- Reel 1, Track 1, Lesson 3 (according to Eva Laser
- Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 3 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY029 in the IFF edition.)
- Duration 39 min.
- For German see AYnmal täglich: Den Kopf seitwärts neigen im Sitzen
- AS: in Hebrew also 16/2/1 – 2 identical lessons)
Side-sitting and leaning on one elbow, lift your free arm behind you, and relate this to lifting your knees and letting them turn to the other side (feet staying in place); then with the free hand on your chin, take your elbow and chin through extension to begin to lift the knees.
At the beginning and end, check in with your side-sitting, leaning on one hand and then the other, and taking the head from side to side with the free hand.
Lesson Outline
- Side-sitting left, lean on right hand and vice versa; switch hands (some debate in TN about correct combination): use free hand on top of head and take head to each ear to each shoulder.
- The body of the lesson is side-sitting, leaning on the elbow, and then the following variations, alternating sides:
- Free hand on top of head, each ear to its respective shoulder
- Lift free hand to ceiling, and follow with eyes/head as you take it back behind you.
- Stay back, and look with eyes and head to the front.
- Repeat taking hand behind, following with eyes/head.
- Turn face to ceiling, place free hand behind head, and lift head to look at knee/foot of the leg bent backwards. Other knee begins to lift.
- Lift free hand to ceiling, follow with eyes/head as you take it back behind–until knees begin to lift to move to the other side. Feet stay in place/pivot.
- Place free hand on chin, and lift elbow, following with eyes–turn everything to follow your elbow, until knees lift.
- Side-sitting left, lean on right hand and then on left hand: use free hand on top of head and take head to each ear to each shoulder.
Focus of Moshe’s teaching
- “In a flexible body there hardly is any difference whether you lean on one hand or the other.”
- Movement of buttock/pelvis/hip joint in relation to floor
- Ease
Related ATMs
- AY226 [debate whether these are identical]
- Like side-lying lift hand to back lessons, but in a different basic configuration;
- Tag Softening-chest
- Tag Abdominal-muscles
- Tag Base-of-neck
One leg backward, the other one in front:
- This is Charlie Murdach teaching the “reminder” movement for this ATM:
Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)
- This is like a lying-on-side, lift-hand-to-back lesson, but with a different orientation to gravity, so that you have to maintain the axis of your spine yourself (the floor doesn’t do it for you). (Olena Nitefor pointed this out to me.) – LynetteReid Sep 15, 2010
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