Your study guide for ATM lessons



  • An “advanced twist” lesson, in which you lie on the side with the bottom leg extended long and the top leg bent at straight angles on the floor in front, and come to rest both shoulder blades on the ground, lifting both arms towards the ceiling to lift the shoulders from the floor.
  • Sideling, one knee bend in front, other leg long behind, arms straight to the ceiling and shoulder blade lifts from the floor.

Lesson Outline

  1. Lie on the right side, bend left knee (90-degree angle) and place it in front of the right long leg on the floor, extend right arm on the floor shoulder height, palm to the ceiling, extend left arm on top of the right arm, palms together.
    • Move (slide) left arm forward and backward (left shoulder blade must move).
    • Place left palm on floor in front of the chest, left elbow points to the ceiling. Move (slide) left knee forward and backward.
    • Go on moving left knee forward and at the same time straighten right leg completely (downward), until you lie nearly on your stomach.
    • Do the same on the other side (left side, right knee on the floor).
  2. Lie on the right side, same position as in 1.
    • Lift left arm to ceiling, follow with eyes and head, left shoulder blade slides in direction of floor.
    • Hold with right hand the left knee – from the front. Lift again the straight right arm to the ceiling, turn head, shoulder, everything and try to touch the floor behind you with shoulder blade.
    • Same position, stay with right arm pointing to ceiling, lower shoulder blade in direction of floor, stay there – start doing seesaw breathing (inflating chest and then inflating belly).
    • Leave it and return to lifting the arm – observe if it is easier.
  3. Same on the other side.
  4. Lie on the right side, left knee in fort 90-degree angle, left arm point to ceiling, head turned also to ceiling, right arm in front on floor.
    • Lift right arm from floor (slowly), many times, then turn until both arms are pointing to the ceiling, stay there.
    • Lift right shoulder blade from the floor (if you need you can help with your left hand pulling right arm).
    • Hold both arms like this and try to put (pull) them parallel – then lower left shoulder blade to the floor and at the same time lift right shoulder blade up. Both arms straight.
    • Bring left knee closer to your face and then lift knee from floor while left shoulder blade goes closer to the floor.
    • Again, lift one arm and then the other from the floor, once this once that.
  5. Same on the other side.
  6. On the back, bend both knees stand feet, interlace fingers and bring them behind the head.
    • Lift head from floor, many times.
    • Lift head and also the feet (knees) from the floor – stay there a bit, breath freely, spread knees.
  7. Stand up and walk.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching

Related ATMs


  • Quote and recording from Lynette Reid: “What could he be thinking? How did anyone ever come up with the idea that you could lie on your side, top knee in front on the floor, turn your face and shoulders towards the ceiling, and tap your shoulder blades on the ground? It feels impossible – in an entirely unique way for each shoulder! How about if you stop the recording whenever you find yourself pushing for the achievement, and invent a variation or exploration that’s easier than what you’re doing now? Each of these explorations can be a whole lesson in itself. And then when you come back to the recorded lesson, all sorts of surprising possibilities may emerge.”Recording on kinesophics:

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