Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

Note: In the lesson, Dr. Feldenkrais alternated from side to side. For this outline, I will only summarize one side, noting when he switched sides {with curly brackets}. Numbering reflects numbering in the transcript.

1. Lie on right side, left hand holding the arch of the left foot, from the outside. Lift the knee and the leg, [and the hand] many times. Rest. {same on other side} Rest
3. on R side, holding Left foot from outside with Left hand.[This is repeated in later steps as “Same Position”] Lift leg in air, transfer elbow to the inside and the out. Repeat. {same on other side} Lie on back & rest.
5. [same position] Take foot & hand behind body, lift until the hip turns forward and then return. repeat. {same on other side} Rest. {same on other side} Rest
7. [Same position plus]- Right arm on floor so palm is on floor. Extend R leg straight down.

Rest. {same on other side} Rest on the back
9. [Same position as in #7] Catch the heel with the Left hand. try to straighten the leg “in the air” [downwards], allowing yourself to lean with the palm of the right hand. Head and shoulders lift from the floor.

11. On Left side, two legs straight, one exactly on top of the other. L hand available to assist lifting. R hand on hip. lie completely on the side… without bending or folding Raise R leg, slide R hand along the straight leg. Repeat with bending only to the side.
try to lean on the L elbow & forearm. Then the L palm. repeat.
Rest on the back.
12. On Right side. same as #11
13. Lie on Left side, catch the right heel with right hand. raise leg in air, make circles. notice if it is different.

14. Rest on the back. {same on other side} Rest on the back
15. on back, Spread legs, move them together. note if the opening is larger than usual.
Come up to standing. take time to stand, then walk and notice changes.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

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