Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. Supine position, right hand behind the head, left hand on the forehead, right and left hand each form a straight plane, the head is like a roll in between – the left hand rolls the head over the right hand, the contact point of both hands with the head changes continuously, the right hand does not move on the floor
    1. Change hands – perform the analogous action
    2. As a., the same rolling of the head, but: the head moves the upper hand
    3. Alternating – sometimes the head leads in the movement, sometimes the upper hand does so
    4. Alternate hands – hand and head lead alternately until the action is equally easy for both.
  2. Prone position, place the forehead in the palm of the right flat hand, place the left hand on the back of the head, the left elbow is in the air – roll the head with the left hand
    1. Switch hands – perform the analogous action
  3. Sit upright with the soles of the feet facing each other, right hand behind the head, left hand on the forehead – both hands roll the head. The torso and shoulders remain still in alignment in space, elbows move towards and away from each other
    1. Switch hands – perform the analogous action
  4. Supine position, right hand behind the head, left hand on the forehead, head and right arm slightly raised – roll the head with both hands, both elbows move in opposite directions
    1. Switch hands and perform an analogous action
  5. Prone position: perform the movements from 4. analogously
  6. Kneeling, upright, knees apart, toes together, right hand on forehead, left hand on back of head. Roll the head with the hands as just done
    1. Simultaneously with the continuous rolling of the head, sit on the heels – and come back again. Perform both movements – head and torso – each with consistent speed and simplicity. There should be no interruption anywhere in the movement. The same applies to breathing. It should feel like simply sitting on a chair.
  7. Kneel, change hands and perform an analogous action. The ease and subtlety of rolling the head can be used as an indicator of the ease and compliance of the body when sitting down.
  8. Kneeling, right foot planted – sit on the left heel, at the same time roll the head as above, right hand on the forehead.
  9. Kneeling, left foot up, left hand on forehead – analogous movement as above. Lower the pelvis backwards. The head goes forward and down together with the pelvis.
    1. Standing, both feet planted and apart – bend forward with the head towards the floor, rolling the head with the hands, right hand in front.
  10. Standing, change hands – analogous movement
  11. Supine position – feel differences compared to the initial situation. Is it easier to roll the head to the right and left (without the hands)?
  12. Lie completely still on the floor – pay attention to the chest and the breathing movement.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

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