Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. Sit with soles of feet together, and hook the big toes with the index finger of the respective hands (same side). Lift legs, slowly.
  2. Lie face up, stand both feet. Lift the R leg; take hold of the small toes with the R hand (thumb between big toe, holding the rest together). Lift and lower the leg, changing the knee inside and outside the elbow. Other side.
  3. Sit with soles of feet together, and hook the big toes with the index finger of the respective hands (Moshe doesn’t say whether one side (if so which) or both). Lift and roll onto back and return.
  4. Sit. Introduce R big toe between L big toe and 2nd toe. Then add 3rd toe, then 4th. When they are all introduced, then keep them together and roll onto back. On the back, lift the legs and re-interlace the toes in the same way.
  5. Same but L big toe between R big toe and 2nd toe, and so on. Lean on hands behind and lift the interlaced feet.
  6. While lying on the back, interlace the toes as in 5.
  7. Side-sit with R leg back, leaning on L hand. Bend small toe of R foot back to sole. Each toe in turn, and all together, as though to make the foot into a fist. (Bending also the third joint.) Stand on hands and knees and bend the toes towards and fist and take the heel left and right, to lie on the inside and outside, so you roll over them. (not entirely clear–check!)
  8. Side-sit, same position. Move little toe away from rest (lifting). Each toe in turn, lifting it and the preceding toes. Not entirely clear: do it while the toes are curled towards a fist? Do it from the 3rd joint, not the tip of the toe, so you move the bones of the foot, not just the toe.
  9. Other side. On this side, you do both variations of the toes before hands-and-knees…and return to sitting to refine the ones that are not okay yet.
  10. Sit and join the toes. Lean on the hands behind and lift. Try the other interlacing.
  11. Sit with soles of feet together, and hook the big toes with the index finger of the respective hands. Lift and roll onto back and return. Then stay on back, and hold small toes as in 2. Lift each leg. Open wide and swing up to sitting.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

Related ATMs



Toes interlaced:


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