Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. On stomach, legs spread, toes extended, arms extended forward, head turned left (right ear on floor).
    • Start lengthening right arm, easy; shoulder, chest, all participate. In the beginning slow then increase speed.
    • Change over head (right side) and continue lengthening right arm.
  2. On stomach, legs spread, arms extended forward, head turned left (right ear on floor), left foot in runners position (flexed, toes lean on floor).
    • Lift left knee from floor, many times, increase speed.
    • Turn head to the other side (right side) and continue lifting left knee from floor (left foot still in runners position).
  3. Lie on back, right arm extended to the ceiling, hand bend in wrist backwards, palm parallel to ceiling.
    • Push the ceiling with right arm/hand, help by pressing left elbow to the floor.
    • Turn around – lie on stomach, legs spread, head turned right (left ear on floor) arms extended forward, hand bend in wrist/fingers lifted – like in the former movement. Lengthen the right arm, push right hand/arm forward.
    • Now bend left foot (runners position) and continue pushing right hand/arm.
    • Turn head to the other side (right ear on floor) and keep on pushing right arm, left foot still bend.
  4. On stomach, arms extended, now lengthen left arm. Alternate the position of head (left and right).
  5. On stomach, arms extended, feet in runners position. Go on lengthening left arm.
  6. On the back, stand feet, lift both arms to ceiling, bend hands backwards in wrists – palms point to ceiling.
    • Push with left hand up to ceiling.
    • Push both hands: chin moves away from chest, shoulders lift from floor and head falls back but does not lift from floor.
  7. On stomach, head in the middle arms out to the sides (shoulder height), bend hands in wrists – fingertips point to ceiling, feet in runners position.
    • Push (lengthen, out to the side) once right arm and then left arm – turn face toward the arm that is NOT lengthening, then change: turn face toward the arm that is lengthening.
  8. On stomach, legs long, arms out to the side, head turns left (right ear in floor).
    • Slide left arm downwards on floor, halfway down bend in the elbow and introduce it under your chest, continue to the right side and let your hand come out and continue dragging arm upwards in direction of your head – do a full circle. Do it again – make a full circle under your body with left arm. Try once with toes in runners position and once with feet extended.
    • Change direction – start with bringing left arm upwards – make then a full circle.
  9. On stomach, legs long, left foot flexed (runners position), right foot extended. Arms extended forward.
    • Lengthen left arm forward, help with the left foot.
    • Bend wrist, lift left fingers from floor and push forwards, left foot is helping/pushing.
    • Go on lengthening left arm, while turning head once right and once left.
  10. On stomach, legs long, right foot flexed (runners position), left foot extended. Arms extended forward.
    • Lengthen right arm forward, help with the right foot. Turn head right and left.
    • Now lengthen right arm and drag it on floor downwards, elbow comes under chest and right arm comes all over to the left side and then upwards – makes a full circle under your body.
    • Change direction.

Focus of the teaching

Related ATMs

Fingers backward:


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