Your study guide for ATM lessons



  • This advanced lesson builds on the previous, through taking crossed knees from side to side with hands tucked behind the back, to sitting up from a position side lying, top knee lying on the floor behind the bottom knee (both bent), shoulders turned flat to the floor and hands lifted towards the ceiling, lengthening the arms towards the ceiling to lift the body to sit.
  • Explore many differentiations in the shoulders/arms while rolling Left and Right.  Moshe also uses different positions i.e lying on left, right or back, and also sometimes knees crossed. Part of Series 529-532.

Lesson Outline

  1. Lie on back, legs spread, and hands to the ceiling. Gradually alternate lengthening the arms more and more until you go from side to side.
    1. Increase the movement
    2. Increase the speed
  2. Lengthen the right arm, lie on the left side, bend both legs, rest the R leg behind the L (close to the L knee). Place the R arm behind the back. Return to lying on the back with the R arm behind the back and palm to the floor. Place the knees standing. Lift and lengthen L arm to the ceiling. <Editor Note, Moshe says “Stand the knees as they are.  Do not spread them.  Stand the feet on the floor.  Then, the left knee will be on the right and remain like this.” It is not clear to me how the L knee could be on the R.>
  3. Lie on your back. Lengthen the R arm many times.
    1. Repeat step #2.
    2. Lie on your back. Lengthen the L arm many times. Then lengthen the R arm and allow the knees to go down to the left. Lengthen the L arm and allow the knees to go down to the R. (L shoulder should come off the floor).
    3. Lie on your back. Lower the legs to the L and then to the R. With every movement, lift the L arm once to the left and once to the right.
  4. Lie on your back. Lift the L arm to the ceiling many times, higher and higher, allowing the body to roll. Knees soft. Do it until you are on your right side with legs bent, L knee behind the R knee.
    1. Place L hand behind back and roll to onto the back. Lengthen the R arm to the ceiling (R shoulder lifting from the floor) and let the knees fall to the L.
    2. Alternate knees moving L and R. With each movement, lift the R arm.
    3. Increase speed
    4. Rest. Reset the L hand and repeat the movement.
  5. Lie on the back with both arms behind and legs in the air. Roll from side to side. Turn the face in the direction of the movement.
    1. Lie on the back with the arms behind. Lift the head.
    2. Bend both legs to the L and lift the head many times.
  6. Lie on the back with both arms behind (where they can go without pain)
    1. Lift legs in the air. Lift the head and with allow the legs to go down to the R and L.
  7. Lie on the R side with L leg bent behind. Interlace fingers and place behind the head. Look to the ceiling (without lifting the knees).
    1. Cross the knees, i.e. putting the R leg on the L. Lift the head.
    2. As they are, take both knees to the L and continue to lift the head.
  8. Lie on the back. Lift R arm to the ceiling and roll. Legs in the air (bent). Interlace fingers and place behind the head. Allows knees to sink L and R as you lift the head.
  9. Lie on the back, stand the feet, cross the R leg over the L, and allow both knees to sink to the R. Lift the arms to the ceiling. Lift both arms and head many times until it is possible to come to sitting.
    1. Continue as you lift the head make one arm longer. First one then the other.
  10. Switch legs and repeat #9 and 9a.
    1. Sit up with the help of the hands
    2. In side sitting, extend both arms forward. Lengthen the R arm and then the L arm. Continue and lie on the floor.
    3. With the help of the arms, continue to come up to sit and lie down without falling.
    4. In sitting, switch legs, i.e. L leg behind. Extend the arms forward and come to lie.
    5. Lie on the back with hands to the ceiling. Alternate lengthening arms. Like this, try to sit and try to lie.
  11. Roll to the side and come to standing.  Walk.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

Moshe quotes

  • Pay attention to allow the body to change the form of the chest
  • Whoever is able to overcome his evil instinct by not going further than he feels he can do well, and returns, that person will succeed in lying and in coming back up. Those who go, fall, and come up — their muscles will just hurt.

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