- Alexander Yanai Vol 7, Lesson #321
- Reel 22, Track 2, Lesson 1
- Duration of the recording: 38 minutes
- This “four points” lesson includes passing the foot through the hole, and rolling to sit through a different trajectory.
- AY 321 develops sophisticated control and balance in four points through systematic exploration of weight shifts, limb lifts, and dynamic transitions. Starting with single limb lifts, the lesson progresses through side-sitting transitions, leg threading, and rolling movements to achieve fluid movement between four points, sitting, and supine positions while maintaining stability.
Lesson Outline
- On hands and feet. Lift R hand, then L hand. Alternate. Lift R foot then L foot. Alternate.
- Lift L hand and foot. Lift R hand and foot.
- Alternate.
- Lift R hand and L foot. Opposite. Alternate.
- Lift both feet. Both hands. Alternate.
- Lift R foot a little, and bend knee: pass knee to the other side of the L foot and hand, and sit, looking L. And stand again.
- Other side. Alternate.
- Alternate in an easy, hopping movement.
- Pass the R foot, leg extended, between L hand and L foot, to sit.
- Other side.
- Alternate.
- Arranges everyone with face towards him, and repeats 11.
- Repeats again, with R foot.
- From lying on back: both feet lifted in air; swing to stand the left foot on the floor, bring the hands to the floor, and stand on hands and feet.
- Other side.
- Alternate.
- Back to R leg, and notice that lifting one hand slightly earlier makes it faster.
- Repeat 8.
- From standing, go down to lying and come up, with swinging legs bent instead of straight.
- Alternate legs long and legs bent.
- Repeat lifting R hand & foot, L hand & foot; and diagonals.
Alternate Lesson Outline
- 1-3: Begin in four points (hands and feet on floor) with legs spread wide. Progress from alternating hand lifts to same-side hand-leg lifts, establishing initial weight shift patterns. Teaching focus is on finding ease through weight transfers while keeping the neck free.
- 4-5: Advance to diagonal coordination by lifting opposite hand-leg pairs. Introduce bilateral movements by hopping to lift both feet, then alternating between lifting both hands and both feet. Emphasis on maintaining consistent spatial reference points.
- 6-8: Learn to transition through side-sitting by lifting one foot, bending the knee, and placing it outside the opposite hand-foot line while rotating the pelvis 90 degrees. Progress to quick alternating transitions using a hopping movement to change sides.
- 9-13: Develop leg threading movements, passing one leg between the opposite hand and foot to transition to sitting. Teaching focus shifts to finding optimal spatial relationships and using pelvis height to facilitate movement.
- 14-17: Explore dynamic transitions to supine by swinging the legs up and rolling, maintaining continuous movement. Key attention to controlling head position and discovering which hand becomes unnecessary during the transition.
- 18-20: Refine transitions using bent legs, comparing straight and bent leg variations. Movement dynamics emphasize minimal pelvis lift needed for smooth transitions.
- 21: Integrate all patterns through combinations of same-side lifts, diagonal lifts, and bilateral leg lifts, demonstrating improved ease and control.
Focus of Moshe’s Teaching
- Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching
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